Travis The Dragon
Some years back, there was a trailer for what looked like a super amazing Legend Of Zelda movie. Then I realized what day it was. 

You mean the one who watches Adrian Smith videos all day to learn how to hold that Jackson?
Man, I really shouldn't of looked up the video.Happy Easter everyone. Just got back from spring break with the family.
Boring games in NCAA tournament today, but physically felt ill after watching the Louisville guard, Kevin Ware, break his leg. The most gruesome sports injury I've ever seen -- the leg snapped and bent at a right angle about halfway between the ankle and knee, and you could see the bone poking out of the skin several inches. Even the other (non-injured) players IMMEDIATELY collapsed in shock, burst into tears and covered their eyes when it happened. Not going to post a link, but if you really want to see it (don't do so after eating) I'm sure you can Google it. The good news is that they think he'll fully recover, though it will take a year. I really do feel bad for the guy.
Off to watch season premiere of Game of Thrones.