Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

To anyone who might be interested: we've have reached the last 34 albums in the Best Album Ever Survivor, hosted by mckindog.

If we add the upcoming Maiden albums (8 still need to join the game): in the last 34 albums we're having at this moment:

11 Maiden albums:
8 Maiden w/Bruce albums (all 1980s + BNW, AMOLAD & TFF)
2 Maiden w/Di'Anno albums (Iron Maiden & Killers)
1 Maiden w/Blaze album (The X-Factor)

23 non-Maiden albums, represented by 11 different acts. Stand out artists:
Judas Priest (6 albums) & Bruce Dickinson (3 albums)

Judas Priest
Painkiller — Judas Priest
Sad Wings of Destiny — Judas Priest
Screaming for Vengeance — Judas Priest
Sin After Sin — Judas Priest
British Steel — Judas Priest
Defenders of the Faith — Judas Priest

Bruce Dickinson
Tyranny of Souls — Bruce Dickinson
Chemical Wedding — Bruce Dickinson
Accident of Birth — Bruce Dickinson

Bands with 2 albums
Paranoid — Black Sabbath
Heaven and Hell — Black Sabbath
Moving Pictures — Rush
Permanent Waves - Rush
Holy Diver — Dio
Last in Line — Dio
Master of Puppets — Metallica
Ride the Lightning — Metallica

Bands with 1 album
A Night At the Opera — Queen
Operation Mindcrime — Queensryche
Rising — Rainbow
Rust In Peace — Megadeth
Appetite For Destruction — Guns and Roses
Machine Head — Deep Purple
I'd say the remaining bands represented in the survivor are quite classic and illustrates the overall taste of this board quite well. All of the bands are mentioned and talked about frequently and I remember seeing (can't be 100% and I'm not gonna search) a healthy active thread dedicated to at least half of them :)