Ancient Mariner
Same here Ariana, Same here. Started with Maiden when I was 11 

Oh yes! I'm loving every minute of it!
I'm what was said before on here: a Maiden virgin.I haven't seen them in concert yet.
Wish I started as young as you, Ariana and Sixes. (Not that I should complain in this company with my 21 and a half years of Maiden fandom.)
I had no one in my family into metal. Via a scout camp, I got hooked. Out there, one guy had cassettes with albums by Kiss and Maiden. I think he had Alive II & Dynasty, and from Maiden the debut album, all recorded from his brother's LP's. Before that I'd heard Holy Smoke on the radio, and I must have seen the Can I Play With Madness video, but these songs never led me to further investigation. Back to the cassettes: I liked both bands immediately! But Maiden made the bigger impact. I was totally spellbound by Prowler. That mid part! I'd never heard such aggressive and fast music. It grabbed me totally. I liked the whole album, although Remember Tomorrow sinked in a few listenings later and Strange World, Charlotte and Iron Maiden were the more difficult ones to get into. So: the first Maiden album was my first Maiden album.My older cousin turned me on to Maiden, first by seeing all the flags and posters he had in his room, then by selling all of that later on when he had lost interest in the band. 1991-ish. So I bought original posters and stuff..Or bought and bought...I was my parents gave me some money to buy some of his Maiden patches and pins and stuff and then I got his VHS of Video Pieces and Live at the Rainbowand I bought my own first Maiden album with A Real Live One.