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Nice one Forostar, I love hearing about how people got into Maiden. For some reason, one of my favorite versions of Prowler is the on A Real Dead One. Just love it:

Yes, there are in fact bands he likes on the same day, and he likes Slipknot, so he'd probably like to go on Friday. Its more the cancelling the holiday that would upset him. Maiden just wouldn't be a fair swap.
Still, like I say, I think I can sell a couple of things and raise most of the money within a few weeks
This is just a wild guess, but maybe you could combine these two things. Find some places near or close the festival ground and stay there for a few days..OR fuck it, make the festival seem like a holiday to the BOTH of you. Festivals really are just big holidays :p You don't have to stay within the festival grounds...if you two want to take a drive somewhere and see things you can do that :D
I had no one in my family into metal. Via a scout camp, I got hooked. Out there, one guy had cassettes with albums by Kiss and Maiden. I think he had Alive II & Dynasty, and from Maiden the debut album, all recorded from his brother's LP's. Before that I'd heard Holy Smoke on the radio, and I must have seen the Can I Play With Madness video, but these songs never led me to further investigation. Back to the cassettes: I liked both bands immediately! But Maiden made the bigger impact. I was totally spellbound by Prowler. That mid part! I'd never heard such aggressive and fast music. It grabbed me totally. I liked the whole album, although Remember Tomorrow sinked in a few listenings later and Strange World, Charlotte and Iron Maiden were the more difficult ones to get into. So: the first Maiden album was my first Maiden album.

I'm really struggling to remember what it was with me, first time around that is. I certainly liked them during SIT and Seventh Son era, and I clearly remember the Trooper, but nothing from Powerslave. I wonder if my dad had the records? I must ask him
He won't have seen them, no, I don't think he's ever seen a band play live. He talked about Yes and Pink Floyd, but didn't see them
In a similar manner to the maiden breaks, I have spent the past 2 days listening to Screaming for Vengeance for first time in a year or so, and damnit it's good! When I first got into Priest Ram it Down was my favourite for ages, and whenever I come to rank albums I have a REALLY hard time trying to rank Priest, cos every time I re-listen to an album I thnik "Damnit that should be higher!".

SFV was one of the first metal albums I bought, and Devils Child probably the first one that really hooked me into Priest.
I'm late to the convo, but I started on Maiden in '88 (?). My buddies were going to the SSOASS tour and i wanted to listen to some tunes before I went. Huge fan ever since. So, what is that? 25 years??
I was digging through my dad's CD's looking for a computer game and stumbled across Number of the Beast. Thought the artwork was pretty badass and before long I had heard nearly every album. At the time my dad was able to get tickets to various events through his work, so when he got Maiden tickets I got to come along. That's when I really became a fan.:shred:
That was 2003 so this year marks ten years as a Maiden fan :D
Maiden for me was 2003 I believe, just after the DoD tour left the UK. Hmm, how does the story go :D

Just 16, pickup truck... :P

Not long been into music at all, having nothing really as a teenager besides the odd NOW 40 etc that I was bought as a present and didn't really listen to, I got into Queen and GnR through a few friends at school (AFD was first album I ever got that I had wanted instead of being randomly thrown at me) so started getting a bit into rock, saw an ad on TV for "The Greatest Heavy Metal Album Ever" or something compilation and recognised the odd track (Walk this Way/Highway to Hell) so grabbed the odd track online from AC/DC etc, I seem to remember trying Metallica at recommendation of a friend and only liking RTL the track out of all I heard.

The short video snippet of Run to the Hills and Bruce's big gauntlets (Tekken!) was all I knew of Maiden at that point other than recognising the name ... made a mix CD of stuff like Walk this Way etc and was listening to it on school bus one day when a friend asked if he could put his CD on - Eddie the Great. I liked it (Flight of Icarus/Wicker Man caught attention first) and then said "Oh I've heard of these guys I think, they're some like old metal legend type band in the 80's aren't they?" and he said yeah but they're still around, so I borrowed the CD and then borrowed DoD from another friend.

From then, I started exploring metal a bit more, I bought BNW/NOTB together (first albums bought instead of gift), followed by Live at Donnington and FOTD, followed by all the remaster albums in a sale during the summer. After Maiden I started exploring metal a bit more, Operation Mindcrime, Ace of Spades and SFV one day in a sale after seeing them on a "top metal albums" list.. and from there it spiralled out of control :D I actually remembered getting into Priest before Maiden tbh, but I know I went on holiday with Donnington/BNW, whereas I bought SFV at university, and I've not been to that holiday place since I went to Uni so it can't be.

There, all you ever needed to know ;)
I was digging through my dad's CD's looking for a computer game and stumbled across Number of the Beast. Thought the artwork was pretty badass and before long I had heard nearly every album. At the time my dad was able to get tickets to various events through his work, so when he got Maiden tickets I got to come along. That's when I really became a fan.:shred:
That was 2003 so this year marks ten years as a Maiden fan :D

Number of The Beast was a computer game?

Edit: oh shit I'm stupid and didn't pay attention. Carry on :D