Yeah, but cant stand Maiden, ha ha! I have a plan. I think there's stuff I can sell
Yeah, but cant stand Maiden, ha ha! I have a plan. I think there's stuff I can sell
I had no one in my family into metal. Via a scout camp, I got hooked. Out there, one guy had cassettes with albums by Kiss and Maiden. I think he had Alive II & Dynasty, and from Maiden the debut album, all recorded from his brother's LP's. Before that I'd heard Holy Smoke on the radio, and I must have seen the Can I Play With Madness video, but these songs never led me to further investigation. Back to the cassettes: I liked both bands immediately! But Maiden made the bigger impact. I was totally spellbound by Prowler. That mid part! I'd never heard such aggressive and fast music. It grabbed me totally. I liked the whole album, although Remember Tomorrow sinked in a few listenings later and Strange World, Charlotte and Iron Maiden were the more difficult ones to get into. So: the first Maiden album was my first Maiden album.
I was digging through my dad's CD's looking for a computer game and stumbled across Number of the Beast. Thought the artwork was pretty badass and before long I had heard nearly every album. At the time my dad was able to get tickets to various events through his work, so when he got Maiden tickets I got to come along. That's when I really became a fan.
That was 2003 so this year marks ten years as a Maiden fan![]()