Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

That WOULD be worse! But my office is open over the weekend so I'd come in and get all these strange looks from people like "Why are you here???"
Ariana got a new avatar!!
Congrats lady, keep me informed if you want me to make a custom one for you some day.. I have some very elegant ideas in mind.

Jean Paul 5tier
It's a dreary Saturday morning here in the midwest, but I'm going to brighten it up by playing all 80's Hair Metal, all the time this morning. Then off to 'Bowl For Kids' -- a work gig that raises money while bowling and drinking-- I don't know how that actually works, but who turns down free beer and pizza? Then dinner with friends and drinking and dancing into the night.
Thanks, I'm hoping so!! Right now, I'm starting it off with a cup of coffee and Wasted Years on the stereo. Somehow I've misplaced my SIT cd and my media player isn't installed on my rebuilt computer yet, so I'm youtubing ....