Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I was chopping some vegetables once and I hadn't noticed my husband was right behind me. Just as I was turning round to the kitchen sink to wash the knife, he moved towards me and the tip of the knife caught his shoulder. Luckily, the knife wasn't that sharp, so no damage done.

So good morning!
Is it out already? It's unlikely that I will get it anywhere here, but there are two or three places where I'd at least look for it.

EDIT: Ah, Facebook says it's out this Friday.
Yes, it's out tomorrow. I'm planning to call my aunt in London and ask her to get it for me. Any ideas how much it costs?
It looks like it's about £4.75. The magazine comes with CDs and posters (not Maiden), so that makes it more expensive than other music mags
I think I just played with an autistic guy. Against my partner & the Brazilian. Slightly, but autistic. He had a nice, very nice hit but he was getting very excited and loosing lots of points. He was making strange noises too. So first set 0-6, we got demolished.

Then I put lots of efforts also trying to make him give his best.. Good result, we took the second set in the tie break. He was super happy at the end, happy as a child and this made my day somehow. :)