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I imagine, but again doesn't make sense. To open and make a virtually universal market is a huge opportunity.

What you mean ex Soviet countries?? They buy a lot os CDs there still??
Well, take for instance, the UAE. They restrict everything on the Internet quite heavily. They wouldn't want someone buying a song that discusses a girl's desire to engage in premarital sex (Katy Perry's "Peacock"). So their firewalls block a huge amount of that, and Apple doesn't want to try circumventing that.

Yes, I mean in countries with lower technology levels, there is a huge reliance on older media, such as CDs. Now, I am not saying every former Soviet bloc country is a no-computer shithole, just saying that those nations are less online than others. So the digital craze hasn't hit them as much. Record labels are also very, very, very conservative, as we all know.

Apple is restricted by copyright law. They can't just offer their songs in countries without the label's permission. Then they would get sued, and they would lose.
I don't blame so much Apple. App Store for instance does make sense. I never had a problem with the Emirati App Store.

And for the lack of information traditionally in the CD, whose to blame?? Labels, or also Apple?
Again, the labels. Apple hosts any booklets they are given. Labels think they can retain more lucrative CD purchases by putting extra info out there in physical copy.

The App Store can be offered anywhere because Apple owns the publishing rights for all the apps. That's part of the developer contract - if you upload an app and it is accepted, you agree that Apple can sell it anywhere. That's why the App Store goes everywhere but the iTunes Store doesn't.
Too much slow and they gonna loose they train. If they haven't already lost it. Shit. I have to go. Good to see you around again Loosey and this avatar kick asses!
Dear Mosh's school,

Please excuse Mosh from class today. He is too cool for school.

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