Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

There's no proof of both, check out my post from minutes ago. It's not about observation, it's about perspective. You stand on an optimistic view, I stand on a pessimistic view.
So what makes you think you're better then the mass? Who told you you were good? It's just your own perspective.
It is not only perspective, but exposure to certain things.

You may know someone as extremely good, but they may then go home and be a complete asshole when out of sight, you can't be sure.

I did have a much longer post typed but I decided against it. I have come to the conclusion that no one can be absolutely good, but there are sure people who can be put to the absolute bad.

I need people, but I wish I didn't... purely for simplicity sake.
I have come to the conclusion that no one can be absolutely good, but there are sure people who can be put to the absolute bad.

I can't argue with the fact that you can't be always good. Sometimes we make mistakes, sometimes we have to choose one thing over another. I just can't agree that people are predominantly bad. They aren't born bad, are they?
Who told you you were good?

Almost everyone I've met, but that's not the point. I observe the actions of others, compare them to myself and come to a conclusion. I know my bad qualities very well (sometimes to the point where I become too harsh and consider myself a bad person) and try my best to change them.
Absolutely not.

But the "They treat you how you wish to be treated" works at best 50% in my experience.

Personally, I deem myself as a bad person. I try to be good, but I am terrible with words and have upset people I care for - often due to misunderstanding, but the damage is done. Now to other people, that's not bad... but to the person on the receiving end, they may never see me as good again because they cannot shake the memory of the - even brief - pain, and neither can I.

However, the last person I ever thought would hurt me (not just due to who they were on my life, but due to the person I thought they were after knowing them many many years, someone I would have actually called 100% a good person) did so in a way I never believed them possible of doing - to anyone. But I still cannot bring myself to call them a bad person, however much I would like to be able to forget either the good (so I can not be affected by it) or the bad (so I can just have good memories), I cannot.

People are certainly two things - Uncertain, and hard work.
I'm for the belief that you can be good but make mistakes in your life and you can be a not so good person and better yourself if you want to.
Almost everyone I've met, but that's not the point. I observe the actions of others, compare them to myself and come to a conclusion. I know my bad qualities very well (sometimes to the point where I become too harsh and consider myself a bad person) and try my best to change them.

So if you are a good person, I assume your family are good too. Probably your friends are good as well, because you wouldn't be friends with them otherwise. This might mean that the majority of your friends' families are generally good people. You say environment does not matter. But if your environment consists of more good people than bad, so does mine and a bunch of other people's here, I'm sure. So where are those predominantly bad people? Are we all just too damn lucky?
I really want to re-run antenna and phone cable in my house... but it is going to be a huge pain! It would be nice to have more/better access, but i think I'll have to cut into some drywall to do it, and I really don't want to re-do the walls. Meh.
I feel a bit similar to Flash and Crimson Idol and I also find a very large majority of people "bad". I can count my dear friends on one hand's fingers and I can't even understand them.

Song of the day: Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter
So if you are a good person, I assume your family are good too. Probably your friends are good as well, because you wouldn't be friends with them otherwise. This might mean that the majority of your friends' families are generally good people. You say environment does not matter. But if your environment consists of more good people than bad, so does mine and a bunch of other people's here, I'm sure. So where are those predominantly bad people? Are we all just too damn lucky?

And who would surround themselves with people they dislike? If you don't like someone you just naturally avoid them. Unless you have to if it is a family member for instance - in which case you'd have to cope for a few hours for a few birthday parties a year I guess. Sure I have met people were I've thought "wow, he was an ass" and then I've never seen them again ever. But I think I've been pretty lucky overall - I haven't met many people I truly can say that I've "hated" or that I considered to be a bad person with no good qualities at all.
So if you are a good person, I assume your family are good too. Probably your friends are good as well, because you wouldn't be friends with them otherwise. This might mean that the majority of your friends' families are generally good people. You say environment does not matter. But if your environment consists of more good people than bad, so does mine and a bunch of other people's here, I'm sure. So where are those predominantly bad people? Are we all just too damn lucky?

I only have one close friend (also a friend aka girl I love), others are just classmates etc.
I'm not saying that, but do I personally care for them ? (many active guys on this thread already know this but the girl I love is also a classmate of mine, so I'm excluding her :D) Nope. There are a couple who are good and not close friends of mine. But there are so many bad ones. I try to treat them with indifference.

It wasn't the discussion though, Ariana can count my friends as good people but since there's really only two of them, it doesn't make much of a case.
And those who are good but not close friends - they are people you've had some kind of interaction with in the past and you generally got a "feel" from them as people? Maybe if you get to know "the bad ones" you'll find out that they are not so bad either.

There is a lot of people I don't care about personally either. Periphery people, I know who they are, I also know that we perhaps do not have many things in common - but are they bad people? Not at all.