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That sounds cool. What did you do?

My classmates were dancing to a type of folk music that is popular in Ankara region of the country. A friend of mine pulled off my jacket and tie, pulled me in front of the board which was like a dance floor at that moment, I resisted for a couple of seconds then went "Why not" and got into the mood. I'm actually unstoppable when I get into the zone in these situations, all of a sudden I started dancing like a maniac, singing along to the folk song even screaming in joy at times. (a tradition in doing such dances) Girl I love was watching (we even enjoyed a laugh about it with her afterwards), my friends were shocked that I went nuts all of a sudden and they loved it. I'm actually kind of a crazy person, I just know my places to go crazy.

I've given up on trying anything to impress anybody, we're good with "that girl" and I decided to let it be this way and start to enjoy life. Just a beginning.
Funny thing is, "that girl" was the only one that already knew it was in me. She knows me the best in the class and I'm proud of making myself known to her. :D She's cool, man, she's fucking awesome, in fact. Like myself. :p

I won't ever be that stupid, jagoff "ambiance" guy because I absolutely despise them, but I'll have my moments.
Let's see how many brandies there are in store tonight. Maybe I'll say it later on. ;)