Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Perhaps he is ignoring you, in the hopes of burying the issue, but perhaps he doesn't think you have guts to push this all the way?
If he doesn't bring the issue up after being away for few days, you should do something - "packing the bags" style.

I don't think you need me to tell you this, but I'm going to say it anyways - he is the father of your children and your husband. You will have ties to him for the rest of your life, and your children deserve parents with normal relationship. Try to act rational and use good diplomacy. You've made your decision. If you're 110% sure, then no fight is going to change it. Try to get him to see that way. It doesn't matter who did this, who did that, who's to blame, don't waste much time on retrospective.

Now, if you were my wife, I'd own this server right now, trace down all participants of this discussion to their physical location, and spend the rest of my life hunting them with baseball bat.
Maybe your man ain't that bad at all :D
Now, if you were my wife, I'd own this server right now, trace down all participants of this discussion to their physical location, and spend the rest of my life hunting them with baseball bat.
Anyways, I hope all goes well for you Ariana ;)
Hope things work out in your favor, Ariana.

2 more finals and then it's time for break. :D
You have my support, Ariana.

I agree with quietly researching the legal options, but be sure to confront him again, and be firm. Let your family know you might need to come stay with them. Don't be afraid to leave. Your husband does not sound like the sort of man who reasons easily.
Okay, I plucked up all my courage and told my husband I wanted to split up. He said that wasn't an option. What now? What if he doesn't let me go?

Like the others, sorry to hear about your unhappiness. I'll refrain from giving half-assed advice, since I don't know the whole situation, other than the following: you can always leave, and if you think he'll stop you, get help.

At the risk of making light of a bad situation, I nevertheless try to inject some humor in my ongoing quest to show that every life situation has already been addressed on the Seinfeld show.

Good morning!
I told my husband this morning that I was serious about breaking up and he said that was impossible. I'll bring up the issue when he comes back but until then I have two days in which I'm going to have a good time and not think about him one single bit. :D
I too hope things go well for you Ariana.

I've started writing gore (ish) tales recently, the main characters mostly are based on exaggerated versions of myself, most of the time the main events are murder, suicide, rape etc. topics include sociopathy, various paraphilias (the ones I've done researching for and some that I've created myself), childhood problems. I don't know why I've never thought about this stuff given the fact that I'm particularly great at coming up with disturbing, disgusting, sick and absurd materials (silent, calm people are always the ones to come up with those, you know :D) and that I spend time writing more than well, any work at all.
But I thought you didn't like horror. :p

Nope I stressed out that fact, I'm a big fan of reading and listening to horror stuff, but not watching and seeing them.

Here, I found the exact post :D :

I want to check out some death metal bands through Wikipedia/YouTube but I'm scared of the possible artworks. :D I'm a big fan of "audio horror" (creepy music and stuff) but a big hater of "visual horror".
Yeah, I remember that but how can you write about such things without visualising them? And when you read stories, don't you have a mental image of what's happening? I don't see how the visual aspect can be separated.
Oh of course I do visualize them. But that's exactly the reason why I hate seeing actual visual stuff of horror, my imagination is far superior but I know that it's my imagination. For actual visual stuff that's not the case.

Don't think I'm truly afraid of visual horror, I most of the time don't give a damn. But not a pleasant view to see, especially when you don't WANT to see such thing.