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He doesn't know how to deal with it. Maybe he hopes that if he doesn't talk about it, it didn't happen.
He's behaving as if nothing was said at all?
You've had discussions about your problems in the past, I assume.
Has this been his consistent approach?
He's very authoritative. He always wants things to be done his way and he's never pleased. We've talked about this before but it's useless because he never even for a second admits he might be to blame for any of it. He never says sorry and claims that if we have problems, that's because of me, my personality, my faults.
He would insult me in front of my kid, call me names and then act hurt that I don't feel like chatting about the stupid TV show he's watching. He's always been like this. I shouldn't have waited so long.
Sounds like it is very hard to reason with him, like he's the type who will only understand something if you force him to.
Let me preface this by saying I am no expert in these matters.
Common sense would dictate that it's better for everyone involved to work through the process together.
But since it seems that is not an option, I suggest you research your legal rights and obligations and plan the exit strategy that will achieve your goals with the minimum amount of pain to yourself and your kid.
I am also no expert. But I wouldn't follow his attitude and probably would repeat it tomorrow (or at some point you think is "convenient").
I really don't know what I should do or what he could do.
See what mckindog says. If you really cannot divorce because of some legal problem (or him not cooperating) then you could consider living somewhere else. I guess he can't lock you up, can he?
Perhaps I am going too far now (and ignore it if I am), but I hope you can take your daughter or at least have a good "deal" in which you or both of you can see her regularly.
Thank you, everyone. Luckily, tomorrow he'll be away on business and be back on Thursday, so he may the time to think about this. I guess I have to talk to him again when he's back.
You're welcome Ariana.

And I hope you have friends/parents/anyone you can stay with for a while, in case matters are getting too "hot".
My thoughts really go out to you. This is one heck of an ordeal at any time of year, but especially now with all the pressure on parents over Christmas.
Thank you, everyone. Luckily, tomorrow he'll be away on business and be back on Thursday, so he may the time to think about this. I guess I have to talk to him again when he's back.

Really hope you find a good solution to this situation. It's not good for you, not for your kids and probably it's not even the best situation for your husband.
All the best to you Ariana. I hope everything works out. When he gets back you need to sit down with him eye to eye so that you can really talk about this, and don't let him brush it off like that, you need to make it clear to him what you're saying.
Several pages late, but I agree wit Yax re: Jugulator/Demolition. I enjoy them both and think Demolition has some great songs on it, even if it has some abysmal ones too. I consider it better than the worst of Maidens catalogue.
I'm also holding my thumbs and sending you good thoughts, just in case it works.