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That definitely sounds like a nice way to spend Christmas! :) And that would be so awesome to one day all get together! Maybe we could pull it off someday.

As for me, the Sunday before Christmas Eve, I'll be headed to my moms for her little Christmas shindig which she usually has Christmas Eve but she was really only able to get everyone together that Sunday. Then on Christmas Eve, I'll be going with my in-laws side to dinner then a little church service after. Now, I'm not normally a church person myself but my husband will be working that night and since my mom isn't doing anything, I figured I'd go since I wouldn't be alone on Christmas Eve. On Christmas day, again, my husband works that night so we'll open our gifts before he goes to work and the day after Christmas, he'll have off so we'll be going to his moms for dinner and presents and such.
That sounds nice! Looks like you have a pretty good schedule of things to do! My (ex) in-laws are all catholic, so they do the 'midnight mass' gig on Christmas eve. I've been to that quite a few times, but not in the last few years. Actually as sad as this is to say, the last time I went, I was totally drunk. We'd had a work Christmas party where we all ended up doing shots of Crown Royal until the bottle was empty. I wasn't sober in time for Mass.... o_O
I was able to keep it together through Mass. Tho, most of my in-laws knew I was drunk before going. A couple of them thought it was funny enough to keep feeding me alcohol at the family Christmas party before Mass. I was not turning anything down at that point. I should point out, my ex in-laws are pretty heavy drinkers. The party is always held at my ex mother in law's house, and it is not uncommon to see at least 4 30-packs of Busch lite in addition to a few bottles of wine. (there are my ex is from a family of 8)
That didn't turn out too badly for you then! :lol: My moms side of the family is like that. They're primarily drinks so any type of party function my mom has always has some alcohol involved.
Homemade pizza, fresh out of the oven, Christmas tunes on the speakers, family decorating the tree, sounds of the Santa Claus parade echoing in the neighbourhood and the first snow of the season falling outside the window.
Life is good.
I can't stand most Christmas music unless it's done in a unique style like Mannheim Steamroller or Libera because they have a new age feel to them and don't sound so traditional.
I don't mind Christmas music.....but when you sit at work, listening to a radio station that plays the same Christmas songs everyday or different versions of the same Christmas songs everyday, it tends to put you out of the spirit, music wise. Though, when they're more unique Christmas songs, I'm ok with those.
Ha! I dunno if they were even uggs. You won't see them in normal threads; I think that's the only section that a guest can post in. Eh, it happens.