Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

If we don't take action now, we'll settle for nothing later.
Settle for nothing now, and then settle for nothing later.
How do these stupid advertisements work? Every time someone posts the word "win", an ad pops up on my screen if I happen to hover the mouse over the word. :huh:
I know it's terrible. It's perhaps the biggest cliché in the modern reception of classical music. But if there was ever one guy who could pull one thing off, it was Pavarotti, singing Nessun Dorma.

I know it's terrible. It's perhaps the biggest cliché in the modern reception of classical music. But if there was ever one guy who could pull one thing off, it was Pavarotti, singing Nessun Dorma.

It's not a cliché, it's too good to be one. Besides, Pavarotti was one of the people who made opera more accessible to the general public and there's nothing bad about this.
It's not a cliché, it's too good to be one. Besides, Pavarotti was one of the people who made opera more accessible to the general public and there's nothing bad about this.

Which is why I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a fan of his. He's probably the best thing that ever happened to opera.

Although Caruso doing Vesti la giubba is also pretty insane.
