Yes, though it wasn't really an article, it looked more like a series of short blurbs. Also seemed to be a series of opinions without any real research. If anything, the article demonstrates the negative impact the text-and-tweet culture is having on the art of writing.
I actually think that there is something valid to the point that people will text and email rather than call or speak in person -- but as a a long-time misanthrope, I view that as an unambiguously good thing! But seriously, I think people probably have the same amount of spoken-word conversations they used to have, or close to it, but they are now better able to communicate (albeit on a more shallow level) with others to whom they would not necessarily have had the time or inclination to speak directly. There is also more information available, which makes real-time conversations over dinner or a beer more informed and interesting. I therefore believe smartphones generally lead to greater and often more meaningful human interaction.