Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Wow, that's very impressive! It sounds like a hell of a difficult task. Good luck!
Did I understand correctly that the inscription is in an Iranian language but written in Greek letters?

Oh, you're half-drunk? I just finished my fifth beer. :p
Wow, that's very impressive! It sounds like a hell of a difficult task. Good luck!

It is, indeed. Cheers!

Did I understand correctly that the inscription is in an Iranian language but written in Greek letters?

Exactly. A remnant of the occupation of the area by Alexander the Great. The language is quite unique in that aspect, but the script poses a lot of difficulties, because it is completely different from the variants of the Aramaic script that were used to write other Iranian languages, hence making comparison quite difficult at times.

I have high hopes for this. I've been studying for 16 semesters so far, it ought to have been worth it.
I hope not. I'm currently stuck on a few ancient Iranian gods, but a few visits to the library should fix this. I've been planning to have the bulk of the paper finished by the end of the year, but right now I have no idea if I can make that or not.