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Yeah, it's like the film that was just on, about a character played by Nicholas Cage being able to see two minutes into the future. I turned it off midway because it was so ridiculously implausible.


Dude, you missed the best part,then! Ok...there really is no best part, but you missed the awesome twist at the end!
Ah, well, it's been passed around as a legend but it is all true. I just had half a bottle of tequila in 20 minutes. A friend of mine finished the other half.
Maybe nush just has amazing observation powers, like Sherlock Holmes. He could tell by the dirt on the players pants, the way he held his hand, the way the lips started to form a letter..... from that he can extrapolate that Audrey is the most common name for a man to call when he has the dirt from under an asparagus plant that is growing in 325 feet above sea level, and that the man must have been holding a cane, which only was a one off that sold on ebay for 250 quid and the seller was 'Audrey Rocks Canes'....
The only way I can imagine that this is possible is the following: No matter how it works, it would require all events that started from at least the Big Bang onward to be in some way pre-determined (why does my Firefox spellcheck not know the word "pre-determined" and offers me "pee-determined" instead?). In other words, we would all be living in a sort of dimension that is actually separate from the dimension in which events take place. Now I know that time is considered the Fourth Dimension, but that does not exactly help solve the problem. It would require us in the sense of conscient beings to exist parallel to us as material beings. Even if I take this to be a scientific manifestation of the concept of a soul, it would nevertheless require us to be able to take influence on our actions and be incapable of taking this influence. That's a paradox. The only way of solving this problem is to assume that we are in fact incapable of actually performing an action, but that we are living in the belief that we are capable. But that only solves part of the problem. If clairvoyance were to exist, it would require the frontiers between both dimensions to be porous, so that certain individuals knowingly or unknowingly possess the capability to peek into the other dimension at random or determined points. Would this not mean that in our spiritual dimension, we had the capability of moving around freely independent of our manifestations in the material world? Maybe we could interpret out-of-body experiences and the like in this manner.
Wow, I've had too much beer for this.I wouldn't totally exclude the possibility for someone to be able to do things that 99.9% of humanity can't. Even if that has to do with thie brains working on somewhat different frequencies, which enables them to see and feel things that we don't. I absolutely don't believe in out-of-body experiences, though.

Pee-determined? Like "unable to hold it back anymore"?
Well, I'm not sure about that either but I just don't like making statements about things I don't understand, so I'd rather keep the door open, just in case, if you know what I mean.