Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Thanks mate. But the Germans are 2-0 ahead (it's half time now). Great goals. Well deserved. I am very disappointed. Only a miracle can turn the tide now, I guess.
Perun, use the character map built into your OS to copy any symbols you need. They should all be there.
I just stated something on the chatroom and have to repeat it here, just because it feels so liberating to finally say it. After ten years of best intent and trying my hardest to to think otherwise, I simply have to say...

Helloween and Gamma Ray suck.

Seriously. I've been saying things like, "they are good technically," or "I guess I just haven't gotten into them," for ten years now. I really tried to like them. I listened to them a lot. I saw Gamma Ray live. I watched live videos from past and present on Youtube. I sat down and listened to the classic albums. I rocked to them at parties. But after ten years, each band has given me two songs that I like, and only one of them is one I actually put on relatively often. And, just to get this off my chest once and for all, in my very own personal opinion that I do not consider a truth outside of my own very head...


Damn, that felt good.
Helloween and Gamma Ray suck.

Seriously. I've been saying things like, "they are good technically," or "I guess I just haven't gotten into them," for ten years now. I really tried to like them. I listened to them a lot. I saw Gamma Ray live. I watched live videos from past and present on Youtube. I sat down and listened to the classic albums. I rocked to them at parties. But after ten years, each band has given me two songs that I like, and only one of them is one I actually put on relatively often. And, just to get this off my chest once and for all, in my very own personal opinion that I do not consider a truth outside of my own very head...


inb4 people start to rage.
No rage from me.
First time I heard each I thought this is a band I SHOULD like.
Should has never changed to DO.
Just to stick my oar in, I really love Keeper II. After that, I never was all that into Helloween. I know there is a great thread around here for anyone that does enjoy their music (helloween vs Gamma Ray).

Now, I've never really listened to much Gamma Ray, but I had a bunch of stuff on shuffle not long ago, and something came on and I thought "hey, this is pretty ok"-- turned out to be Gamma Ray.

But, hey, every one likes different stuff. If not, we'd all be listening to Hank Williams. :)

In other news, I'm tired.
I think a cross between mentally and physically. I've been working pretty hard on the house, and running 3-5 miles most days as well.

But mentally tired because users get more difficult every day-- I'm sure you know just what I mean!