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Here I am, writing something in MS Word. I want to insert a symbol, so I go on the "Insert" menu and click on "Symbol". But nothing happens. So I go on the "Insert" menu again, and suddenly, the "Symbol" option is GONE! WHAT THE FUCK???
Now it looks like all special characters broke down. This isn't fair. I've finally got a few extra hours to work on my papers, and now I can't fucking type!
Damn. The only thing I can imagine is try looking them op via google / wiki and copy them.
I do know a few by heart (alt-numlock combinations) but not the Persian ones or something. :)

From German I know ä ü ö
Some others I know by heart: é ä ë è ï
Yeah, I can type all those without problem on my German keyboard (ä, ö, ü, ß have their own keys, and normal accents and circumflexes have hard-coded key combinations). It's really the unusual ones that were gone (I can type them again now, but the symbols menu is still gone, which remains a big problem), like š, ǧ, ḫ, ṇ, ā, ə and so on. The problem is that I still can't type some that I need, and I never could, which is what I need the symbols menu for. Right now I can get by, but as soon as I need to type an þ, I'm screwed (unless, like now, I copy/paste it from a website, which can get really tedious).
...and right now, I'm really only waiting for the football game to start so I can have a nice and calm ride home.
Oh wait. I just saw it won't start till quarter to nine. Bogus.

The thing with the football cup is that I don't even need to follow the game to know which team shot how any goals. The pub next door, the gun fanatics in my neighbourhood and all the rest will keep me updated no matter what.