Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

That just means a quiet couple days for you, EW.

Most certainly so. I sorted out with my project lead before the holidays what I should work on for these days, and I can sit pretty much undisturbed and work on it, bar the occasional coffee break with the other few who are present.

Next year, I'll probably not work between Christmas and NewYear's Eve either, since I only need to save two and a half days of vacation to get a whole week off. (Christmas Eve is only a half working day, and next year it falls on a Monday).
LC inspired me to wear the avatar of a WWII general I admire very much. General Sosabowski who had quite a difficult relation with Montgomery, to say the least. This was not meant to be LC's "opponent" or anything like that. Just paying tribute to a great chap. :)
Hmm yeah they do look a bit like each other indeed.
I was completely convinced that was Montgomery. Odd.

Well, I sent the Moai on shore leave for the rest of the year just so I can belong to you guys.
I don't think this gentleman is very well-known outside Germany, or within Germany, for that matter. He was a celebrated u boat captain in the First World War.
Is it Arnauld de la Perière? I can't tell them too much apart.

Wasted! You could be Ike. I like Ike.
Damn, I need to know before I go any further, is there truly a better Slayer album then South of Heaven? Hell Awaits came pretty close, but South of Heaven is amazing.