Black Wizard
Pleb Hunter
I just switched the oven timer on without putting anything in the oven. Now I'm 12 minutes behind. 

Travis The Dragon said:We got our first snow fall here. God, I hate winter. :
I was under the impression that Germany's improved their railway infrastructure, trains etc, the entire train network? That it actually works quite well compared to 10 or so years ago?Perun said:Oh, how I'm looking forward to that. Every year, on first snow fall, everybody behaves like it's the first winter of their lives. You hear of car crashes because people didn't switch their tyres in time, even though by mid-November everybody knows it'll happen soon and, as every single previous fucking year has taught us, WITHOUT FOREWARNING. No, people, nature doesn't drive cars, it doesn't consider your needs. And despite the company's vows, I just know the city trains won't run, because they cut funding for some essential heating system and personell whose job it would be to defrost. Oh, so this year they're prepared for the winter? Just like the previous three years, when they swore to the allmighty that they're prepared for the winter? And when you stood there on the platform in the freezing cold waiting for your train for half an hour? And, no, "half an hour" isn't an exaggaration for five extra minutes... it was, literally, half an hour at times. On the worst days, you get a message on the electronic display reading, "due to difficulties in the process, the trains are currently running on irregular basis." Which means that you might stand there for one minute waiting for a train, and you might stand there for thirty minutes. And the worst part of it is that there is nobody you can ask about it, because all service personell was cut. And I'm willing to bet my arse they'll close down the central line for at least a few days again this year.
Every year I wonder, if first snowfall takes such apocalyptic proportions every single time, how did our species survive for so long?
Yax said:I was under the impression that Germany's improved their railway infrastructure, trains etc, the entire train network? That it actually works quite well compared to 10 or so years ago?
Travis The Dragon said:We got our first snow fall here. God, I hate winter.![]()
taker64 said:It's a balmy -15 C with a windchill of -22 C... 4 cm of snow last night... welcome to Winterpeg... they say it builds character...
LooseCannon said:I insist that you change your name to Dr. Eddie's Wingman