I've done that, for about a week (the lemoande thing). It wasn't too horrible.
LooseCannon said:Cleanses are desperately unhealthy and bad for you.
LooseCannon said:Cleanses are desperately unhealthy and bad for you.
Travis The Dragon said:Foro, is Talescape a band that you're in? I'm really digging the song that's posted.
Eddies Wingman said:Thanks for the well-wishes folks. Yes, everything went well and I'm now officially a Pretty Heavy Drinker ... or whatever PhD stands forHad a nice dinner with my family, my supervisor and the opponents afterwards, and today I'm going out with some friends to celebrate further.
I'm listening to Path Of The Beast now. It's pretty awesome!Forostar said:Sorry for the late reply Travis. Yes, indeed it's a band I am in, though maybe it's rather a project instead of a band.
We've done one other major track which is not on the Facebook page. It's an older one:
Path of the Beast. Listen to it here:
More info in the Talescape topic on this forum:
I am glad you like what you hear. Talescape is on a big hiatus now.
Currently I am more busy with another music project in which a poet is involved. It's totally different music.
We plan to release an album (no label, self financed) with lots of 2-3 minutes tracks. I guess it'll be around 40 minutes long in total. The tracks are all done, now we need artwork and we're focusing on a company which will produce (duplicate) and package the CDs.
@Wingman: I hope things went well!