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Travis The Dragon said:
Vanilla ice cream with blue Powerade rules! It tastes like cotton candy.
Wut. I don't even know if I want to try that!
Doing online trivia with the gf. Only good song on the radio we are listening to so far has been A7X - Nightmare. Everything else is shit. They had some fucking ICP.

Fuck me. I'm requesting FotD.
Tizer on cornflakes was always an interesting combination.

For drink, my favourites have been every spirit I could get my hands on mixed together (wierdly nice), or the more regular one - cider+Jager+black

Never tried icecream and a drink (dont get powerade here).

Did they play your request?
How did anyone come up with the idea of Tizer on cornflakes. Sounds hideous.

That said, I used to work with this guy who would put Bacardi on his cornflakes - in the morning. But he had, at the time and as you may of already surmised, a serious drinking problem.
Albie said:
How did anyone come up with the idea of Tizer on cornflakes. Sounds hideous.

I don't like milk so usually eat cereal with just sugar on it nothing else, that gets odd comments from ppl on its own. But basically, one day me and some friends were sitting watching a film and I was hungry, so got some cornflakes, put it on the desk and then went to pour myself a drink. So I put the bowl down and picked up the Tizer and they went "WTF You're putting Tizer on your cornflakes!?" ... I was like "No... I'm making a drink duh" then thought "Meh, why not!".

Not a big fan of the soggy cornflakes, doesn't feel right on my tongue :s .. but the flavor wasn't bad. Only problem was that the Tizer and the sugar kinda congealed after a while and turned into some very thick jelly like substance. Which actually made it easier to eat as it was no longer soggy cornflakes so much as cornflakes with topping ^^.