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I have had enough of long hair. I haven't cut my hair for exactly a year (personal record) and in the next two days the hair is going away.
I cut all of my hair off about a year ago. Lately I've been thinking about growing it back. But I kind of like having short hair.
It's easier for me to have short hair, but I like it when it's long. Although everyone I know thinks that I should cut it all off.
I've noticed that people who have known me recently when I had my hair long think I should grow it but people who have known me before that think I should leave it short so my friends are no help.
Some people don't believe in magic. I think I do, because I always see things appear and disappear and reappear. Like on the first day of a month.

"Hey, I've got money!" "Hey, where'd my money go?" "Hey, why do the phone, internet, insurance and electricity companies, the landlord and the broadcast fee collector have my money?"
Spent the best part of the day today by the sea. Not the best idea on a sunny bank holiday. Sarfend was mobbed.
The Conservative majority?
The NDP opposition?
The complete annihilation of the Bloc and the Liberals?
Count me among those a little frightened of what Harper will do with a majority. Hope he proves me wrong.
The NDP has not been great in government in my province, but they've typically produced some very effective opposition MLAs. That said, the new Quebec NDP MPs carry some huge question marks.
Happy to see the Bloc wiped out. Hope it never comes back, but that's probably wishful thinking.
Hopefully the smacking the Liberals took will wipe away the remnants of corrupt entitlement and start a shift back to more traditional Liberal Canadian values. Canada needs a central party — the either/or left/right politics of B.C. really suck. I'd hate to see that manifest as the future nationally.
And I love the fact we have a Green MP at last. Hopefully she conducts herself in a manner that lends credibility to green values.