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So, I take it that this Harper cat has control of the Majority, therefor has power in the direction your country, as a whole takes?  And that he can't be 'voted' out of position until 2015? 

Sounds like a Canadian version of the Bush years.
Harper moved towards the centre over recent years, but not so much that I trust him. It is certainly possible that we're looking at 4.5 years of "Bush lite" as he is often called.
In the UK, it looks like the AV vote may loose out. And the only reason is that a lot of people are saying it's too confusing. Why do they think it's confusing - because it has not been explained properly by the mass media.
I think Labour's mixed support for it has hurt as well. If both Labour and the Lib-Dems pushed for it...alas. Labour seems to think that plurality governance favours them - which it doesn't.
Sounds about right. Labour are the only party that are split on this. And with the heavyweights that are backing the No campaign, aint helping. But I do think people are not getting the right message about this.
The main push of the No campaign, as I understand it, is that the AV system will result in more hung parliaments effectively meaning the Lib Dems will get to choose which party is in majority control, even though they'll only finish 3rd themselves. But as Labour won't be getting anywhere near power without that Lib Dem choice I'd have thought they would back the idea.
And indeed it might. But what's wrong with that? It might push people out of the Lib-Dem camp to the other parties; new parties might rise up. The BNP will try surely but what about Greens? I dunno. AV opens up the door to possibilities and fair vote.

I wish we had AV last night, that's for fucking sure.
I'm not familiar with that party. I will be soon, of course, thanks to the miracle of Wikipedia.
You could say that UKIP is a break-away faction of the Tory party that are fervently anti-Europe. Though it has attracted members from some dis-heartened folk loyal to their respective party. The leader is an old Tory.
I woke up half an hour ago, got dressed and prepared to go to faculty which starts at 10:15. Then I realized that today is Wednesday, not Tuesday, and that the faculty starts at 16:15.
The thought just struck me: Barack Obama's mantra during his election campaign was "change", right? And now Osama Bin Laden has become his victim. Doesn't that make OBL a ...



Albie said:
In the UK, it looks like the AV vote may loose out. And the only reason is that a lot of people are saying it's too confusing. Why do they think it's confusing - because it has not been explained properly by the mass media.

Nick Clegg explained it very well, last Sunday morning on the BBC (I saw that from a York hotel. :) ).
Here are the links. this one + and this.

Albie said:
But I do think people are not getting the right message about this.

I am afraid so. From what I understood, this referendum is a once in a life time chance to improve your voting system slightly. It is more important than current political preferences, the current coalition government, etc.
It means that elections in this and following generations will be more fair.
Forostar said:
I am afraid so. From what I understood, this referendum is a once in a life time chance to improve your voting system slightly.
That's about right - if the No campaign wins, we will not get another referendum on it for generations.
I wouldn't mind that referendum on Europe, you know the one we've been promised time and again. Some chance!

Albie said:
The one party that will rise, I believe, is UKIP.
Round here, there are more UKIP posters and flags than any other party's leading up to these most recent elections. I think they might still suffer from some misconceptions, with people lumping them in with further-right groups like the BNP, whose minor successes were never more than a flash in the pan. It will be interesting to see how UKIP do; the Lib Dems seem to have lost quite a bit of support since forming the government, but it seems unlikely that any floating voters would change their allegiance from Lib Dem to UKIP.

Spent all day carrying books around and reading for a presentation on Friday. I don't know why, but things always stash up at the end. I'm finishing my BA studies in July, and I have no less than three papers (excluding the BA thesis, which I will turn in next week) to write till then, on quite diverse topics. Maybe, just maybe, if I'm really good, I can write the first one till next Friday. I've got six books lying here on the topic and 150 pages worth of journal articles. It's all here, I just need to find the time to read it all.
I can safely say my new job - dealing with mobile phone customers - is going to be mindnumbingly boring again.