Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

No, that's Kamil Stoch all right. This has been his breakthrough season and he might very well become Poland's next great jumper.

Speaking of Poland and ski jumping - their following is really impressive. Everywhere when there is a ski jumping event, there are at least hundreds of Poles there to support their jumpers, and they are loud as well.

Actually, I have been following this sport (now less than before) since I met my wife. ;)
I have witnessed Malysz' breakthrough (on TV) 10 winters ago, which was legendary.

Looks like the Poles have a stronger team now
What would be really brilliant if an actress came down the red carpet at the Oscars and turned to the media having being asked "Where did you get that dress?"

"Oh, Marks & Spencers."
Mega said:
Someone named Kaushik Joshi is trying to add me on facebook. He has a pic of Janick as his profile pick so I assume he's from here. I'm giving you a chance to tell me who you are, guy.
that's me.

no but his last name has the same first three letters as my first name.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps338g6MCqQ&feature=fvwrel this video is such a fail
Listening to the score from Heroes of Migh and Magic III. Such an epic game, such epic score.
I downloaded 5. I remember 4 sucked, but I actually bought 5 and never gave it a proper chance.
5's ok for campaign and stuff. Single map playing, not so good. Scarce resources, small maps and slow gameplay. Nothing beats III. II is awesome too, if you're into more simplistic DOS games. I don't like IV, it's different and i can appreciate the risky idea, but i don't like it.

Try King's Bounty. RPG Heroes style, single player only, real-time (no turns). Of course, battle is turn based. Beautiful graphics. Even better than upcoming HOMM6.
Actually, original King's Bounty for DOS started the whole Heroes Of Might And Magic genre. These are remakes, first one (The Legend) came in 2008, in 2009 second iteration (Armored Princess) and in 2010 Crossworlds, expansion to Armored Princess.

There's one thing in KB games that's significantly different than in HOMM - leadership. In HOMM, it's just a simple secondary skill that raises morale, in KB it's a numeric value that increases with every level up, as a reward for some completed quests, and can be boosted with artifacts, and in small extent by picking "flags" on map. Basically, if you have 2000 leadership, and each Knight demands 400 leadership, you can have a maximum of 5 Knights in your army. So, regardless of the money, you can't recruit army as you wish. You need to be a strong hero if you want to carry a strong army.

The game rocks and it rocks hard. If you ask me, HOMM lost it's huge replay value after III. There are no more huge maps with tons of heroes and resources. I've played III in multiplayer since it came out (for that fact, i've played II also since it came out, too), with a couple of friends that were also HOMM freaks, 10-12 hour sessions, incredible. None of us played V in multiplayer for more than hour or two. We've all passed campaign (and expansion campaigns) and that was nice. So HOMM todays stands more for single player, and that's where KB kicks it's major ass.

...and there are a lot of details that change or upgrade standard HOMM gameplay mechanics to better. Won't spoil any more, go and fetch it somewhere  ;)
I heard about it, something about a russian Heroes -_-
If you say it's this good I might give it a shot, but honestly I don't even like strategy games outside Heroes III. To tell you the honest truth, I've never even finished one campaign in it. I only played single maps by myself and with friends, and it was awesome.
Fortunately the meeting was a brief one, so I got back to my office in time to watch the last 5 km  :D A surprise win by the Finn, Matti Heikkinen - and with two Norwegians following. None of the bookmaker favourites in the top 3!
By the way, the guy who directs the daily press conferences during this tournament, is struggling so much with his English I almost feel sorry for the guy.
Ordered chinese food: was ok, but nothing to write home about. Mainly because I'm in the house.
Afterwards we ate the jello I amde. It's instant jello, so once again nothing special there.
Then I found out it's 10 minutes before my bed time, so I took the pill and stayed for another half hour.
45 minutes after I went to sleep, I got up to check something that's been bothering me, and now I'm here.

I guess I'll spend the night re-writing those passages from my thesis that desperately need re-writing. *sigh*