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What I really like about them is that they are really good at singing it too!

I mean that is one the best live versions of Flight of Icarus in my opinion. :yey:

That my friends is one kick-arse school!  :ok:
Man, that vid was fucking awesome! I hope my kids will be in a school like that one day.

Now playing: Flight of Icarus. I fucking love to shred the solos1
Just finished Agent Orange.
It was pretty good, reminded me of some faster Annihilator songs. The last track kinda made me giggle. It's obviously a cover, I just don't know the original song.
Mega said:
Just finished Agent Orange.
It was pretty good, reminded me of some faster Annihilator songs. The last track kinda made me giggle. It's obviously a cover, I just don't know the original song.

The singer, Tom Angelripper, has a side project called "Onkel Tom" where he plays extreme metal versions of German drinking songs. It's considered bottom-of-the-barrel party metal, and everybody loves it after the fifth beer.
Gonna listen to it at some point.

It appears the last song is from a band called Tank, but like many other relatively unknown bands, I don't really feel like making an effort to listen to them. Should I?
Mega said:
It appears the last song is from a band called Tank, but like many other relatively unknown bands, I don't really feel like making an effort to listen to them. Should I?


They are an excellent NWoBHM band. It's classic stuff to turn your brain off to and just get that head banging. Filth Hounds of Hades is a must-have album for any metalhead who likes to do more than just stand grim in the corner. The intro alone never fails to put a smile on my face.

In fact, I'm going to put it on right now.
Well, you sure convinced me; I'd never dance though.

I wonder if there's any place to get such an album on the web.
Mega said:
Well, you sure convinced me; I'd never dance though.

Well, not to Tank you won't.

I wonder if there's any place to get such an album on the web.

I'm afraid I can't help you there...

Well, at least tomorrow I'll get the opportunity to do some old-school headbanging...
Perun said:
Well, at least tomorrow I'll get the opportunity to do some old-school headbanging...

Now I have to ask what happens tomorrow.

Got the Tank CD, but it's on hold for now.

Man, The Blackening is fucking brilliant. I didn't like it (what I listened to anyway) at first, but I didn't even like extreme metal then. Now that I do like some heavier stuff, The Blackening is just the right amount of heaviness. Killer riffage on this one. I think I may even check some other album by them.
Per, you are lucky to have stuff like that around!!

I usually just have dirty, smokey, rot gut beer bars around.
You're lucky you have even that. In this town, we have two new bars: One of them is under the sky, the other has two tables inside and two tables outside.

You have to drive to the nearest big city, but what's the point in that? So, combined with the taxi, you get a pretty expensive night. Needless to say, the prices are through the roof. 10 bucks for a white russian, 5 bucks for a lousy beer bottle.
Hmmm, cool. I'm watching the first match in the Norwegian ice hockey playoff quarter-finals, and I just heard them playing Can I Play With Madness during a stop in play  :)

Perun said:
I'm not going to tell you that beer prices at metal places range from 2 to 3,50 Euros.


:mad: 3,50? That's what I pay at a grocery store ...
Perun said:
I'm not going to tell you that beer prices at metal places range from 2 to 3,50 Euros.


FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFudge. I wish I lived in germany. Frankfurter eternal.