Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

So, the sleep doctor guy told me to go to sleep at 11, take a hormone pill at 10.30 and technolagy stops at 10. I'm going to eat dinner now, then read the first book in the Foundation series. I've been meaning to do that, now I have some dead time.

Goodbye folks!
It's 7 am, so I'm awake.
Right away I completely opened the window, turned on the light and my brand new super intense table light, so there's light coming from all directions. I may as well be on my way to heaven in this light tunnel.
A half our of this everyday to get my internal clock fixed by the end of the month.
Seeing as the tour starts tonight I'm probably gonna become more inactive here now so as not to ruin the surprise in the summer. Will probably still come to madness occasionally but I won't be around in the Maiden forums at all.