Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Still impressive. Seriously, to spend all that time opening threads and posting one liners? damn... speaking of post count. Aside from Travis, EW and Invader are the only folks from 2007 with over 1200 posts... congrats guys.
I don't have a similar excuse, but then EW is still a few hundred posts ahead of me. ;)  And he has twice the time online that I do.
Funny coincidence: Today, there was a bloke in the tube next to me reading a folder named "Maths for Physicists III". I peeked in and there was even talk of imaginary numbers.
Complex numbers are actually very important in physics. For example, they come into the picture when analyzing oscillating systems.

@Mega: Play Master of Puppets ten times.
Yeah, no kidding.
I played it twice, once at 88% while sitting and one at 90% while standing. It appears it's easier on the bycep when you stand up.

Good, I'll practice sitting down.

After the parents wake up I'll play some more creeping death. I'm playing it three times in a row at increasing tempo.
Is it a good idea to quote Marx, Nietzsche and Arthur C. Clarke in an introduction to a paper on ancient Persian art?
Perun said:
Is it a good idea to quote Marx, Nietzsche and Arthur C. Clarke in an introduction to a paper on ancient Persian art?

I've seen philosophers quoted in introductions to papers on automatic process control, so why not on ancient Persian art?
Perun said:
Is it a good idea to quote Marx, Nietzsche and Arthur C. Clarke in an introduction to a paper on ancient Persian art?

Depends which quotes.... As long as you don't put Marx's "how negros are subhuman" and Nietzche's "women should be beaten," you should be fine :p