Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Hey, 3 pages to go!

Most of the time this topic stands still with the last post by me, so if someone just spams when he sees I'm the last poster, I'll come right back to post again, and we'll get there.

Crap, the worst songs on FotD suddenly sound really good.

I can't suddenly like everything by Maiden, I already have a pretty good idea on the bad stuff.
Dinner was pretty tasty, but I could eat some more stuff.

I can eat ALOT of food, that makes family dinners somewhat sucky.
Grilled chicken wings are nice food - but bloody 'ell, how greasy my fingers are after eating them ... (the chicken wings, I haven't eaten my fingers)
Page 1000 by Feb? Easily done.

Then we need to get to post 3000 by the week after. Easy.
Er, that would be post 30,000.
The thing about XKCD is that most of the time you don't need to be a genius to understand the jist of the jokes. I love it.

I got about half of the jokes as well. I totally cracked when I saw this one:

Still his best one ever.
If you multiply a complex number by its complex conjugate, the result is always a real number. If your complex number is a + b*i, where i is the imaginary unit, its complex conjugate is defined as a - b*i. If you multiply them together, the result is a^2 - (b^2*i^2) = a^2 + b^2.

Mega said:
The thing about XKCD is that most of the time you don't need to be a genius to understand the jist of the jokes. I love it.

I got about half of the jokes as well. I totally cracked when I saw this one:

Still his best one ever.

That one is truly great. It's not often you see humor made out of the discussion about pseudo-forces  :D
Damn, that makes it much funneir then I thought!

And yeah, I saw that mere weeks after a class where I first learned of these forces, so it was really fresh. Physics is really great if you don't go into the fucking problems.
Like I give half a shit about the relative speed of the train.
Mega said:
The thing about XKCD is that most of the time you don't need to be a genius to understand the jist of the jokes. I love it.

I got about half of the jokes as well. I totally cracked when I saw this one:

Still his best one ever.

That cracked me up, actually both did. Nerdy humor is awesome (should know) :p
Mega said:
Damn, that makes it much funneir then I thought!

And yeah, I saw that mere weeks after a class where I first learned of these forces, so it was really fresh. Physics is really great if you don't go into the fucking problems.
Like I give half a shit about the relative speed of the train.

If you're in another train on the same rails, that other train's speed relative to yours could be quite important  :D