Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Maverick said:
Fuzzboy will get also get his sorry kid's arse banned if he keeps linking to heavy porn in his profile.  :huh:

Sorry about that, I couldnt resist. :-[
Conor said:
In that case, I'll change my avatar for the first time ever(?)
It's going to take a bit of time to get used to the new avatar, methinks. Still, if you changed it as frequently as BD does, we won't have time to get used to it. ;)
Albie said:
It's going to take a bit of time to get used to the new avatar, methinks. Still, if you changed it as frequently as BD does, we won't have time to get used to it. ;)

Agreed.  Bring back the Dragon!
Great stuff Conor, we never want to see it change. I for one think that a person's avatar reflects on their personality and individual traits. *Looks over to own avatar* Yep, it definitely describes the person :innocent:
Hunlord said:
I for one think that a person's avatar reflects on their personality and individual traits.
I suppose I am a bit of an old dog. :mellow:
More like the evil dog from the Omen... red eyes and an eerie haze surrounding it.  All you need now is the music :p
Silky said:
"More slam death metal rubbish.  Really, kids these days, don't know a good riff if it hits them in the face...[grumble]"


Well, actually Six Feet Under is Death N' Roll, not slam death metal. ;) But still crap anyway. ^_^ Here I was enjoying The Karelian Isthmus and this comes bollocks along... Oops, I'm falling into the same ol' ranting mode that you ripped the piss out of me for. :p
Conor said:
More like the evil dog from the Omen... red eyes and an eerie haze surrounding it.  All you need now is the music :p
If the picture was clearer and his hair was parted right, you may be able to see a visible mark on his head. I daren't get to close to him to see what it is.  :(
Albie said:
If the picture was clearer and his hair was parted right, you may be able to see a visible mark on his head. I daren't get to close to him to see what it is.  :(

Hmmm....he'd have a hard time taking control of the world if he was the AntiChrist; after all, I can't really see him becoming a great false prophet or leader of men...unless that's what he wants to think... :help:
You know, I always thought that the guy on the near corner looks a little bit like Prince Charles.

And yes, his chariot is always awaiting. ;)
I never really liked that album cover.  The whole goat thing just doesn't appeal to me (let's face it-the Satan as a goat thing came from the Church trying to discredit the pagan nature gods Pan and Baphomet), and overall the impression is of a cheap Escher-imitation gone horribly wrong :p.  But, if you want a sexy evil album cover....

Look, it even has gr1m Gothic script for the Album title!!!  How fucking kvlt is that?!

I thought that part of the site went offline a few years back!
I'm picking up guitar today!!!  At last! :yey: On my friend's acoustic which has strings so stiff you need a bloody clamp to press them down.... :(

But I learnt Symphony of Destruction and -Human, so it's not too bad.  Sorry, I just had to say this and I thought that I might as well bump the madness thread while I'm at it.
