Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

No, the flash drive is awesome!  ;)  However, the evil that men do with their flash drives could live on and on....
If they don't come here, I see Bali's coming, or even Australia. Let's see, maybe there is a better option, i.e Thailand coming December...
Koh Phangan, please!  :)
I'm hoping the Montreal gig is early April or in early May...come on, boys, don't drop it in that 2 week period I can't make it...
:huh: գրառմանը?

So better to do now my daily study, before the forum's on fire! I know 15 minutes isn't that much, but at least it's a kind of discipline.
Constancy is very important. And anyway, I can login here again after 30 minutes.... The site will be blocked anyway the first minutes, right??
Don't even bother to go to the official site; Here's the news  ;)