Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Last day I have to catch a bus at 5:30 in the fucking morning.
Sadly, not entirely my last morning shift, as I'll have some rare occasion ones. Let's say once a month.
And one of those is right this week on friday. At least I get to spend those pathetic 5 hours of sleep at the hotel.
Oh yes! YUMMY! My dad and I have a light up novelty business and we'll be downtown Minneapolis tomorrow night where there's a pretty big club scene so there's plenty of eye candy for us. :D
It's Sunday, the clocks have gone forward and we are on GMT. And the pub is calling. :D
I'm still to get used the new working system (Friday, Saturday off)
It confuses me and I confuse the days. In the middle of the week, I can't tell what day is it anymore...
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
I hate moving the clock forward because the days get much shorter.

Also, you know what would rule? An Eddie jackolantern.

Moving forward?  They were just moved backwards.  Anyway, I barely noticed the difference since I have a week-long autumn break.
I love when a forumer (in this case Albie) has not posted for a few days and then he posts a lot in various forums. Just love it  :D
Daylight Savings Time doesn't end in the U.S. for another week. 

Related pet peeve:  in my job (and many others), people are always setting up conference calls and meetings by circulating emails.  More often than not, people will refer to Pacific time as "PST" instead of "PDT" during the summer.  E.g., "Let's have a call on August 9 at 3:00 EST, noon PST."  Otherwise intelligent people do this all the time, not realizing that PST stands for Pacific STANDARD Time, yet Standard Time does not apply.  Annoys the heck out of me.  I need to get out more.  Either that, or I'm officially a curmudgeon. 
I have to give my work hours in Central time. When they did quality on my emails, I was told it was supposed to say "CST". I then politely explained that CST doesn't currently exist.
Some people I have to deal with at work just plain drive me round the friggin' bend. Not just work colleagues, but third party people. Some things you would expect to be a simple task are obviously not that simple. I mean, how difficult can it be to make a change in a router's configuration to allow traffic to certain url addresses?