Oh my Fuzzboy! :O You are so tr00!
Now, you must learn why this review of Six Feet Under's
Bringer Of Blood is fantastic.
Read it for yourself:
Bringer of Lol - 80%
Written by MorbidPickle on April 30th, 2006
Bringer of Lol – 80%
Nearly three years after Six Feet Under’s latest stroke of comedic genius, Graveyard Classics, comes Bringer of Blood, a masterpiece of pure hilarity from beginning to end. Proving that any genre of music can be comedy, Chris Barnes and co. have recorded and released 11 tracks of death metal so funny that I was almost in tears the first time I heard it. As always, the album features plenty of Chris’ extra-br00tal vocals which sound oddly like a goose choking on a Steve Souza, which is just as ridiculous as it sounds. On to the song-by-song analysis.
Sick in the Head: This track starts off with Chris Barnes being really br000tal, and setting the tone for the rest of the album. The riff is dumb, and when he breaks into his extra-br00tal voice, and screams OH MY FUCKING GOD, it makes one want to fall off their chair laughing. Then we have a br00tal breakdown, and most br00tality. Hillarious.
Amerika the Brutal: The first track was funny, but this one definitely takes the cake. Starting off with a bass line that gives one the irresistible urge to JUMPDAFUCKUP, Chris Barnes begins raving about politics, of all things. According to Chris, it is spelled Amerika because the K stands for killers, and that’s what America is. Highlights of this track include the odd pots-and-pans drum sound during the chorus, his referring to Bush as “fake president” and the as always, Chris Barnes’ downright priceless vocals.
My Hatred: After the first two songs, this song’s hilarity isn’t as high, perhaps in an attempt to give your sides a break from the side-splitting laughter. However, there are some great lyrics in this song including “that’s right bitch, uh huh”, and “hear what the fuck I’m sayin?” Not too memorable though.
Murdered in the Basement: This track’s lyrics, as always, are packed full of hilarity. Some of the most memorable ones are “MURDERED IN THE BASEMENT! DON’T GO DOWN THARR” and “A SKELETON’S HAND SHOVED UP YOUR ASS.” The riff is actually not terribly bad and neither is the drumming, but nothing can save this song from utter hilarity. Steve Swanson’s random, barely-intelligible seven-second solo is the highlight of the song, which proves that Six Feet Under want to be a punk band. However, they’re better off as a comedy troupe.
When Skin Turns Blue: This track is the absolute best on the album. Not only are the lyrics as ridiculous as ever, but the riff is just as funny. If Chris Barnes could write ridiculous lyrics and magically turn them into riffs, the result would be the riff from this song. The riff overshadows the lyrics in ridiculousness on this track, but the lyrics are still worth mentioning. Highlights include “your death, your blood, your life, you’re dead” and “when skin turns blooooooooooooo!” I can’t say enough about that riff though. It will get stuck in your head and you’ll start laughing at the most inopportune places.
Bringer of Blood: Six Feet Under are crafty fellows. Back on track two, I JUMPDAFUCKUPed, but the songs after didn’t have the same effect. However, just as I start to GETDAFUKBAKDOWN, Bringer of Blood comes on which makes me want to JUMPDAFUKUP even more than before. From now on I’ll know better, and when listening to Six Feet Under’s next album I’ll stay up. Anyway, the riff in this track is even funnier than When Skin Turns Blue’s. This track also features what may be a first in Six Feet Under history: Chris Barnes doing clean vocals! It isn’t very obvious and rather hidden behind the phat riff, but it’s definitely there. The lyrics are very sparse on this track, and they don’t seem to be trying to mean anything which isn’t very funny at all. The track is funnier if you picture them playing live, and JUMPDAFUKUPing. Pure comedy
Ugly: This song isn’t terribly funny, except for the extra-br00tl vocals here and there, and a few lyrics, like “mothafuckin death”, “when I woke up they were all fucking dead! Dead!” and “you’re so ugly you deserve to die”
Braindead and Blind and Gagged: These two songs are pretty forgettable. On their own they’d be pretty funny, but after the brilliance of When Skin Turns Blue, they’re just not that great. Pretty forgettable.
Claustrophobic: Bahahaha, this is so stupid. He starts using pitchshifted vocals that sound like a cross between some stupid industrial crap and a megaphone. The lyrics, once again, are great though. "I feel like the walls are closing in!" Ridiculous.
Escape from the Grave: Chris is a big Death fan apparently, and he wanted Terry Butler to write him an Individual Thought Patterns-esque song. Fine. The problem is that Steve Swanson is no Chuck, and Chris Barnes isn’t either, as much as he tries to sound like him. This actually might be one of the funniest parts of the album, them trying to sound good but just failing.
This is the funniest album I’ve ever heard, bar none. It’s actually funnier than Graveyard Classics. Anyone who’s a fan of comedy should definitely check this out.
Now that was awesome. :mellow: