Yeah. That's why I like my XPS system. Came with a copy, and I burned it twice, no problemo. Even my copy of 7 I have a burnt copy of.
Wasted CLV said:What don't you like about your Win7 Starter? I'm not familiar with that version, honestly.
When installing Linux, it does take you through a wizard to select a partition or create one or even wipe the whole disk and stick Linux on it.Wasted CLV said:Something that I would consider, if it doesn't seem too big a pain, is to add another partition on the HDD== IIRC, you can go to 'computer' and rite click on c: then take the option that says 'shrink'... give it about 1 gig, and you can install the Linux on that one.
I have tried a few other Linux OS's and settled on Ubuntu. I doubt if I would try something else, although I have heard that Fedora is pretty good (from what I understand, Mozilla test Thunderbird on Fedora). I did try Fedora, but the Wireless bit was poor and did not always come back on.Wasted CLV said:I've used Ubuntu, cause its pretty easy to download and install, but Albie may know of other Linux software out there that may work better.
There's is always Wine.Wasted CLV said:One thing, I haven't used Ubuntu much lately, but IIRC, you may have a hard time running anything that is .exe on it.
True, but you can d'load Open Office for Windows as well.Wasted CLV said:But, one nice thing about Ubuntu is that it comes with Open Office on it, so that's really easy to use (in place of using MS products).