Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

@Wasted : Awesome! How the hell did you remember them  :lol:

Now I remembered a forgotten diamond, probably by Eloy (??), regarding a love through the centuries... wait, I'll search it

@Onhell: Let it Bleed?  :huh:


I fucking found it!! More than 14 years after*  :yey:
Awesome!! Love Over Six Centuries.
Enjoy Wasted ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1Kdv_il5pA

*thanks Wiki!

I'll tell you who I am and whence I came
It's not going to be easy to explain
My body has returned, my mind is all at sea
Will you tell me who you are
And where we're meant to be?

She answers in a gentle lilting style
Says little but speaks volumes with a smile
With a sparkle in her eye, she takes me by the hand
'Come with me, I'll answer all I can'.

Jamie: April, 1358...Paris...I don't understand any more...
my name is Jamie...and mine is a strange story...
one which even I don't fully understand...my father is a scientist...
and he has been experimenting with time-eroding drugs...
well, I was sitting in his work-room...
it was late at night...
and I was thinking...you know, about me and my future...
'cause I've just left school...and I don't know what I want to do...
I must have somehow taken the drug... and landed up here.

Jeanne: My name is Jeanne....let me tell you my story...
my father owns many acres around here...
which are farmed by peasants...whom he rules with an iron hand...
the neighbouring landlord's even worse...
and I'm supposed to marry his son...
that's not my choice... you know the saying: 'Like father, like son'.

Jamie: Well, I see we've both got our problems... perhaps we can help each other...
I've got something here....lots of my friends smoke it...
I don't suppose you know it...
try it, it helps at times like these...

Jeanne: Oh, what a beautiful feeling...
everything's shimmering in the twilight...
look at that sunset...I've never seen such colours before...
it all seems suspended in eternity... I wish moments like these would last forever...
I'm not worried any more...
what are you thinking?

Jamie: I can't think at the moment...let's just enjoy it.

Somehow we must stay together
Lifelong friend, my lifelong friend Love like ours will last forever
Never end, and never end
We'll somehow wipe away our fears
And find a way to bridge the years.
Wasted CLV said:
I get my girls back tonite, so I think I'm going to cook a real dinner (instead of ravoli from a can).

Ugh, tell me about it. People keep telling my I lost weight. I thought about that a bit, because I don't exercise very much, and I figured it's because of my diet: Pasta with tomato sauce. Pasta with tomato sauce. Pasta with tomato sauce. It's sad how you learn to expertly keep expenses for that under one Euro. Recently, I started a habit of making myself a vegetarian chili, and can live off that for two days for one Euro fifty.
It may sound good, but it's straining to eat the same stuff every day because you can't afford diversity. It's those times when student life really blows.
I'm off to smoke some chicha

Perun said:
Ugh, tell me about it. People keep telling my I lost weight. I thought about that a bit, because I don't exercise very much, and I figured it's because of my diet: Pasta with tomato sauce. Pasta with tomato sauce. Pasta with tomato sauce. It's sad how you learn to expertly keep expenses for that under one Euro. Recently, I started a habit of making myself a vegetarian chili, and can live off that for two days for one Euro fifty.
It may sound good, but it's straining to eat the same stuff every day because you can't afford diversity. It's those times when student life really blows.

Throw in some mashed potatoes... home made... cheap and nutritious.
Perun said:
Ugh, tell me about it. People keep telling my I lost weight. I thought about that a bit, because I don't exercise very much, and I figured it's because of my diet: Pasta with tomato sauce. Pasta with tomato sauce. Pasta with tomato sauce. It's sad how you learn to expertly keep expenses for that under one Euro. Recently, I started a habit of making myself a vegetarian chili, and can live off that for two days for one Euro fifty.
It may sound good, but it's straining to eat the same stuff every day because you can't afford diversity. It's those times when student life really blows.

Yeah, I totally understand,  I can get 4 cans of ravoli for less than 4 bucks.  A pack of hot dogs for 2.50, buns a dollar... I can have a meal there for kids and me under $5.  Frozen pizzas for $2 each.  but they started complaining that I only make ravoli, hot dogs and pizza, so i've started working on other meals... Home made burritos aren't bad, .77 for a can of refried beans, 1.25 a bag of soft tortillas, $3 a pound of burger, $1.50 a bag of cheese.... sometimes I put in potatoes and/or peas.  Less than $10 and I've got an ok meal.
To be honest, I buy a lot of stuff when it is on sale. For instance, they had a sale - pork chops, buy one get 2 free. I got $30 (I spent), and a total of $90 in food bought. At 4 pork chops per pack, six packs, 24, so like...$1.20 each. Not too bad.
Yup, sales, bulk, about to go bad food (sell by "x" date) are good ways to save money. Also RAUMEN NOODLES! As is or add carrots, rice, lime and salsa.... mmm, I'm getting hungry!
For a time, back in college, that's all I could afford and after three months of raumen breakfast, lunch and dinner.... I started having irregular heartbeats.... NOT cool.
Before? They started to suck after "On Through the Night".

That said, "Hysteria" is not that bad an album.