Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

For some reason I really hate this part. It's such a...
Wait what's the word I'm looking for.

Matter of fact is, I don't really like the album much too. I should delete it some time.
Jonszat said:
Which one?

I love them both but the second one is like the first one x10.

Really? Super hyped for it now

Actually it got pretty fucking hard. The boat levels suck ass, the other parts are awesome.
I got stuck in a temple with like a million bad guys and I only had 4 bullets for each weapon. Took me like an hour to get through.
OK, this is bullshit, and I must put an end to it.

I've had all I can take.

Just so everyone knows, Wednesday, as a workday, is over.  This week, as a work week, is half-way over. 

Phew, I just had to get that off my chest.

Now I can open my beer with a clear conscious. 
Invader said:
The singer sounds like Rob Halford in that video.  Not a bad song. :ok:
Not a bad song? I'll have you know it ranks up there with the best. :)

Seriously, one thing people who were into metal in the late 80's/early 90's will almost always say that Metal Church's album "Blessing In Disguise" is possibly one of the must have albums of that time. Up there with "Master of Puppets" and  "Seventh Son...", etc. Why they never got to the stage of mega-stardom, I don't know. The singer in that piece is now retired from the music business, which is a shame. Their original singer was also very good but died a few years back from injuries sustained in a car crash. Sad, really.

More from "Blessing in Disguise":

Anthem to the Estranged
Fake Healer

A proper metal act if there ever was one.
I recall once hearing a song by Helloween called Metal Church.  I guess it was a cover?

Oh, and your videos... good stuff. :rocker: