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LooseCannon said:
Installing a game from physical media. How...quaint.

For me it's the only way to buy video games. Just like I would never buy music on-line.  I like to be able to physically own something and have it on my shelf.

What game?
I played the crap out of NWN years ago.  I had the gold edition, ended up getting it stolen in college.  Gotta find a copy of that thing somewhere.
Wasted CLV said:
@Albie,  I finally got 10.4 downloaded and have it installed on one of my desktops!  Haven't had a chance to play with it too much yet, but its there!
You should have left it a month or so, the new release is due out in October. Or it least it should be - I've not heard for definite, but it normally is October.
Then you can get your account banned from xbox live! 

Seriously, I hate playing against modded boxes and controllers.
Gotcha. Beware, its rumored that Bill Gates keeps a minor demon caged and releases it in the houses holding modded boxes.
So I went for a run today and Mother of Mercy came on (I had my Blackberry on shuffle) and it feels like your running with a whole fucking army at your side. That gallop is awesome this is defiantly going on my running playlist.
Wasted CLV said:
Gotcha. Beware, its rumored that Bill Gates keeps a minor demon caged and releases it in the houses holding modded boxes.

Yep. Part of the ugly mess when Paul Allen left Microsoft. Allen got to keep all the big, cool demons: Beelzebub, Baphomet, Balthazar, Baluchitherium. Gates was left with just one minor demon: Fred Durst.
Ah, so the rumors are true. 

Well, I don't know if Fred Durst is enough to keep modders at bay.  Unless its just one of those days, and he has a chain saw.