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Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
To those of you who crank up metal when your neighbors crank up their techno or rap: Shouldn't they have just as much of a right to listen to their music as you do yours? Would you want to be cranking some Maiden and have someone with a better sound system ruin it for you?

Well - I would not crank up my music to unbearable levels if no one did the same to me first. Where I live now, I never play music really loud unless the other inhabitants of the house are out (by the way, they are a couple in their early 70s, so the chance of them annoying me with loud dance music isn't the highest  :D)
I only ever got one complaint about volume, and that was one or two years ago. I've turned down the volume since, but the complaining neighbour moved out and I have new ones in her place, who are loud themselves. Funnily enough, I've never heard a complain from the old lady next to me. In fact, when I apologised to her for a spontaneous party at my place, she said she hadn't heard a thing... moreover, I've had loud music at 1:30 AM and nobody said a thing. No venomous looks in the staircase either.
I've been thinking for some time now whether to get the "best of" Maiden CDs to make my CD collection more complete. I mean, I have the all the tracks on other CDs anyway - which is why I never brought them. Best of the Beast was the only exception as that had tracks that you could not get on any another official CD. Perhaps I should also get Ed Hunter as that has a game (as well as an unreleased version of Wratchchild with Bruce on vocals, I believe), but Edward the Great and Somewhere Back In Time?
Been awake since 12 am, It is now 11:38 am the next day. I'm running on a six hour sleep, hoping to get to seven so I can get rid of my jet leg.
@5, looks like you used up all that was there.

@Albie- I'm with you-- I don't need a 'best of' cd that has all the tunes that I already have. 

--I love my neighbors.  My mower has been giving me fits, the rider hasn't been starting, and I got the push mower running, only to quit on me after the front half of the yard mowed.  So, last night, I finally got the rider going, and it was taking forever on the back, and my neighbor finished his yard and came to help me finish off mine.  Phew!
@5 - I'm with Wasted here. Looks like "metal on metal" was right around the corner ...

@Wasted - I guess you served your neighbour a cold beer in appreciation? :cheers:
@EW : Of course, this metal to metal effect raised too high temperature and the pin completely stuck. This was my initial thought.
It was quite tricky though cause this pad was the inside one, so I was assuming that it was something with hand brake.
Or because of the stuck pin, I had the inside pad completely worn out...
In any case, with such a pad,I feel quite lucky that the only thing happened was a broken pin!
Those pictures took an age to show in no5's post. It's no wonder, the pictures are 4000x3000 pixels and 8.3mb in size collectively.