Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

First night in a week that I've had time to run when I got home, and its 92F and sweaty outside.. so, fuck it, I'm sitting down with a beer and a bag of chips.
I just had an argument with a guy with a BEng about nuclear fusion and fission. He says nuclear fusion and fission doesn't change one element into another.
Yeah. Like in stars, hydrogen is fused into helium. When all the hydrogen is gone, helium is fused into other elements, and then the star gets bigger, and bigger...
Right... I'm no scientist, but I was kinda thinking that.

OH, BTW, Just finished the first 10 epis of SGU, taking a break cause SGA season 3 just came avail... watching McKay and Mrs Miller
What are you thinking of SGU now after 10 episodes?

And yeah, I love SGA…Season 3 was good, I think that has the episode where Rodney and Sheppard find the game like Civ in the basement but it turns out they're controlling real societies.
I like SGU.  It is kinda like Stargate Galactica, darker, similar to that feel Atlantis had in the first season when they were stuck, but more drama. 
I was thinking that about Atlantis too, but I like the dynamic. It is darker, and I enjoy that. I quite like the characters, too.
Yeah, I agree-- Def reminds me of Galactica (which I read somewhere that they were looking towards), in that the ship has an old and beaten feel, quarters are kinda rough, food is slop.  There is a feeling of hope, buried way inside a whole feeling of lost and never getting home.  The dude that Lou Diamond Philips plays is an ass, and I loved watching Young kick his ass.  Roth is really unique, a combo of Rodney's ego, Daniel's knowledge of ancients, and Baltar's (Galactica) self serving attitude that could get him what he wants no matter what happens to those around him. 
You mean Rush. I like how there's kinda the foil in Eli, who is smarter than Rush, but not up to speed. Rush is afraid of Eli supplanting him as the "brain". The politics are cool too...dark stuff.

Did you see the episode where Young is accused of murder yet?
Right, Rush.  That one is queued up (so, actually, that is the 10th epi).  And yeah, I am seeing what you mean about the politics-- that is starting to become more clear (or murky :) )
I'm just finishing the SGA epi where Sheppard and team take back Atlantis from the replicators (O'Neil and Woolsey are captured).

Ok, I know that Woolsey can be a whiney dick, but I really kinda like his character.
Yeah, I really like that one! I was just thinking about it the other day. And I like any episode where the Daedalus or the Apollo mix it up too!
sighing off for the night...so tired.

10 praises for the first n00b who quotes this in the thread. I'm betting I'll never pay out.
Now that's crazy. I'm waiting -with almost the same excitement- for tomorrow so Forostar to purchase /listen /comment.
You see, happiness needs to be shared, if not then it's a misery  :smartarse:
Then I'll be waiting Monday for the rest, and of course my proper CD copy and have a descent listen in my Brave New World.
I truly believe that I will be almost as excited as if it was the first time.

NP; The Talis-can-I-get-an-hosanna-man  :)