Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

I for one can't wait for Deadliest Warrior on Tuesday when the Navy Seals take on the Isreali Commandos... fing... EPIC!
Now, that is true. It has been a very damn good season, imo.
Honestly, every time I put Brave New World on for a spin, I think I love it that bit more. It's truly my favourite Maiden album, by leaps and bounds over Powerslave and A Matter of Life and Death.
Wow, now that is a statement!!

whoa, weekend is almost over!  how crazy.....  new things to learn tomorrow....

now its time for a beer.
LooseCannon said:
Now, that is true. It has been a very damn good season, imo.
Honestly, every time I put Brave New World on for a spin, I think I love it that bit more. It's truly my favourite Maiden album, by leaps and bounds over Powerslave and A Matter of Life and Death.

I second both statements! There's a reason I started the thread on the album in the commentary. Hands down my favorite. as for DW their "celebrity" episodes still piss me off, but all in all, I'm hooked, great show.
Just throwing in another reply to help get the count up. I could always make 99999999 separate accounts to help it, but that would be cheating and I don't think the mods would like it too much. :lol:
LooseCannon said:
Top Gear tonight :D
How up-to-date are Top Gear episodes in Canada? The one they showed last night featured Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz in the Reasonably Priced Car and apparently was pretty good. I've not watched it yet.
Albie said:
How up-to-date are Top Gear episodes in Canada? The one they showed last night featured Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz in the Reasonably Priced Car and apparently was pretty good. I've not watched it yet.

I steal them from the Internet the second they hit, so I'm only 1-2 hrs back. Last night's episode was extremely good. Not funny at all, but very, very good.

Cruise is an idiot, but he has been very careful with his public image of late. He remains a talented actor, so you have to expect to deal with him. As long as he's leaving his faith out of it, I'm fine with him.
I watched it on-line just now. It was good.....Captain slow in the Bugatti. :D

And Tom Cruise coming round the last bend on two wheels! The producers must of been cacking themselves at that point.
LooseCannon said:
He remains a talented actor...

How is playing the exact same role (himself) in every film except maybe two make him talented? The only thing that separates him from Keanu Reeves is his stupid grin and laugh.
I respect Cruise as an actor, but still I think anyone who promotes Scientology is a moron. Heck, they teach that psychiatry is a Nazi science. They are worse brainwashers than any mainstream religion (as if the brainwashing can't be bad enough in those).

I respect the opinions of Scientologists about just as much as young-Earth creationists.
People are so fucked up from regular religion they fall for this.
I say go for it, If we have to live with morons they might as well be a new kind of morons.
What is "regular" religion? I'll, be honest, I'm Catholic and I don't think there is no difference in believing what I do and scientologist believing in their intergalactic 747 and what not. ALL religions are pretty ridiculous, but that's why they are religions, they require faith. An Atheist will never understand that. I am not defending Scientology, but I just don't see it as any cookier than what's been around for millenia.
I see one difference.

The big religions (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and so on) have a long cultural history during which many wise people have said wise things, within the context of their religions. That does not make their religions true, but they serve as very efficient means of rationalizing one's own beliefs for one who is brought up with that religion. For a follower of, say, Christianity, there is such a rich cultural heritage made by people who shared his beliefs. Some people also have experiences they describe as spiritual. While those might just as well be created inside one's brain and have nothing to do with a spiritual world, there is a shitload of people who have experienced the same - and interpreted it as messages from the Lord, or Allah, or maybe as enlightenment.

I just mean to say that many, MANY followers of mainstream religion interpret their experiences in the context of their own beliefs with "support" from people who are intelligent but have not questioned their faith.

To buy into the teachings of a modern "non-mainstream" cult, you need to take a conscious choice as to whether you believe in a load of stuff that almost anyone (and not only atheists and other skeptics) will write off as utter nonsense. I just think that for an average person, it takes a much bigger leap of faith (or a much bigger amount of brainwashing) to become a follower. All this despite the fact that an outside observer might find the doctrine of the cult just as sensible as the doctrine of any Christian community.

One simply has to go against both the mainstream religion in one's society and sound critical sense to become part of something like Scientology.
Onhell said:
I don't think there is no difference in believing what I do and scientologist believing in their intergalactic 747 and what not. ALL religions are pretty ridiculous, but that's why they are religions, they require faith. An Atheist will never understand that.

All religions are pretty ridiculous? You're goddamned right I understand that.