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Hey LC

On Wednesday I spoke with one of my construction buddies about the imperial or metric thing.  His answer was that construction workers, including himself, prefer the imperial units because they're easier to divide.  But most importantly many complain that seeing those millimetre lines are harder cause of the spacing.  As more and more blueprints come in metric, this will slowly have to change but only with the next generation.  Right now he has to convert any metric blueprints into imperial for everyone else and he has fun doing it.  Not!  :)
Well, like I said, we're only a generation or two in.  Europe has been metric since it was invented.
My bikes have all been metric.

In other news, since I'm out of beer and tequila, I am forced to mix Apple Pucker with Mt Dew.  I think I'm gonna have a heart attack.
OK:  I have 4 hours and 44 minutes until my 'work day' is over.  I need some entertainment... I have wasted some pretty good time reading online books, playing solitaire, and watching SGA on justin.tv, but I'm starting to run out of things to do..... (yes, other than work).

Although, great SGA quote: 
McKay "Do you realize how many gate addresses have absolutely no entry with them?" 
Sheppard "42?"
McKay "What?! No."

I missed that the first time I watched that.
Status: Home. Sick. Beat my minor sore throat early with lemons and tea. Some sneezing, but hardly any today.  Stuffed nose is a pain in the nasal passage.  Chance of my condition being H1N1: bloody unlikely.
MisterAJ said:
Which is that..?

Forgot to answer on this one. It was the one where Bart refused to get a vaccination then Dr Hibbert pursuits him and tricks him and Bart goes deaf and at the school Basketball game where they ride donkeys Bart doesn't hear they are playing the national anthem and exposes his nude rear to the American flag and then the family is considered anti-American and Springfield tries to become patriotic, the Simpsons oppose that and are sent to Alcatraz, from where they flee to France and return to America and that was almost as hard to write as it was to watch.
Just because it was a protest against the Patriot Act doesn't mean it's good.
MisterAJ said:
Counties that use imperial measures...

OK, how accurate is this is up for question - to say that the UK does not use imperial, for example, is wrong. Distances on roads and vehicle speed is still measured in miles. Milk is still sold by the pint (though it does give the equivalent of the volume in litres, the base unit is still a pint). Beer is sold by the pint and beer glasses must have a Government stamp that it is exactly a pint. TV screens, wheel sizes, clothes sizes, etc. are still in inches.
Yes, I would wonder about that too.  In Canada, while many people still say "feet", "inches", "pounds", ALL measurements are in kgs, litres, and ms.
I think its mostly because the porn industry still measures in inches.

:nana: :nuts2: :wtf:
Yeah tell me about it.  I'm trying to pick at my NaNo but this stupid work shit keeps getting in the way.  I posted the first chapter if you're interested.
If there'd be one word that doesn't exist in my dictionary, it would be this one:


I am never bored. I never was, I never will be. Never ever.

Actually, I always worry (complain) about having not enough time to do all the things I want to do in life.