Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

Ug.  I remember my vasectomy, it felt like someone kicked my nuts for a week straight.  I don't wanna be you right now!
On the second day dad was home after his, Lauren (who was around 2 months old) kicked him square in the nuts when he was holding her.
LooseCannon said:
On the second day dad was home after his, Lauren (who was around 2 months old) kicked him square in the nuts when he was holding her.

Feminism starts early these days...  :blink:
My Blackberry has been kicked in the nuts - it has totally given up on its life and taken an early bath.
So that's were it went wrong! :D

No seriously, I get it as part of my job (so I don't pay for the bugger) and right now I am having to resort to logging on to our exchange server remotely on my laptop to pick up on system generated emails that I should be keeping an eye on.

And if someone tries to ring me, I can't answer the call - the keys don't work.
Quetzalcoatlus said:
I don't get it, why it's called like this if it's not a berry   :D
Because the keyboard looks like the seeds on a blackberry. :D

Seriously, I don't know - ask the powers that be at RIM.
RIM settled on the name with Lexicon Branding Inc., one of the branding firms out of California. Lexicon was responsible for naming Apple's Powerbook as an example. One of the executives thought the buttons on the device looked like tiny seeds in a strawberry. A linguist at the firm thought "strawberry" wasn't quite the right fit. Someone else suggested blackberry and RIM went for it.

That's from wiki... good call, Albie.

that does suck when your phone won't work.  Right now, I'm paying for my son's service, but his phone doesn't work.  So, I hafta pony up for a phone, or extend his contract... neither of which are appealing to me right now...
Albie said:
Because the keyboard looks like the seeds on a blackberry. :D

Does it ??  :huh:

Albie said:
Seriously, I don't know - ask the powers that be at RIM.

And I thought it was obvious... In fact I designed this kind of joke-question especially for you,
and I could bet that you would come with the wright joke-answer followed by the  :D smiley

So, the answer to the question:
Quetzalcoatlus said:
why it's called like this if it's not berry

it would be (including the smiley)

It's black  :D

EA had up a play classic Simcity Java on their site, and I was all like "Fuckyeah!  Something to do at work."

It only works on Windows 98.  WHY?!
Quetzalcoatlus said:
So, the answer to the question:
it would be (including the smiley)

It's black  :D
Possibly, but...

...my first blackberry was blue.