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MisterAJ said:
I always play as Ragnar, of the Vikings...  ;)

+1 gold on plots with 2 or more, +1 combat promotion for all melee units and the Berserker unique unit... ;)

Berserkers are terrible.  I like Romans as Augustus, or Russians as Catherine.  I'm liking Billy the Orange too.
Invader said:
Is no one seeing Metallica live this year or why hasn't there been much discussion of their tour? 

"Or"? Do you mean that we have the option of answering one of those 2 questions? Because they're not logically mutually exclusive.

I heard that Metallica filmed 3 recent concerts for DVD release, with a different setlist every night to get a wide variety of songs. Should be an interesting DVD, when it comes out.
SinisterMinisterX said:
"Or"? Do you mean that we have the option of answering one of those 2 questions? Because they're not logically mutually exclusive.

I'm not sure your status as Mr. DICKtionary entitles you to examine others' grammar and sentence structure... :P  But yes, badly phrased from me.