Legacy of the Beast Tour 2018 - CONTAINS SPOILERS

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I hope Maiden to rotate songs during the tour (that is unlikely) so they can cover more albums. Maybe they will change a song or two in 2019 when the tour continue.
-> the albums that are not represented in the current setlist are: Killers, SIT, NPFTD, DOD, TFF and TBOS... the last two are unlikely to get a song played from them !

In 2019 Maiden is expected to hit UK, South & North America, Asia, Oceania and Africa, right ? 2018 is only Europe - 2019 would be ''round the world'' tour !
I also expect Ed Force One to return for the 2019 leg. :)

I'd be surprised if they come back to Europe agin next year (although very pleased of course!). Maybe they might do a few festival dates though. I'm just looking forward to seeing them twice this summer, once with load of friends at Terra Vibe in Greece and then with my Dad in London like last year.
If they'd announce before the last date that this was their farewell tour, would you be satisfied with this set?
This actually seems like a farewell tour set to me. They’re bringing back old classics and it’s a career spanning setlist that celebrates all eras.
I think there will be no pre-determined farewell tour for Maiden. They simply want to continue as much as they can. But one day it will be over in practice, and we will be left alone without a farewell.
Nah man. If it was the farewell tour, Rod would milk it for all it's worth. Especially the potential final show. Tickets would cost $1000 and they would get the Raising Hell magician to kill every band member.
You’re right it’s definitely not a farewell tour, but I would be mostly satisfied if it was. Watching these videos makes me think they’ve got another few years in them still. Incredible.

Although I can’t tell if Adrian is tired or just his usual uncomfortable looking self.
Someone earlier mentioned Steve may have an input into how the band is mixed live. Given that he is 62 i guess his threshhold for higher frequencies has diminished as he got older. Performing for 30+ years has probably taken its toll as well so maybe the frequencies he can't hear so well are pushed higher which to people with better hearing sounds a bit off. I know in Bruces book before he joined Maiden he already had hearing damage. 30 plus years plus and chemotherapy has likely taken a further hit on his hearing also.

I must say though Bruce sound pretty great from the videos i have seen but his vocals do seem to be buried in the mix at times(for the greater good of godo especially).
Hearing damage has definitely factored into the way recent Maiden albums sound. This probably even affects Kevin Shirley to a degree and any professional producer who has been in the business for a long time.
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