I know, but while that would have been great, there's a big bunch of other stuff never/rarely played live I'd like to hear instead.
But then again, I didn't expect it to be played anyway.
But yes, looking back... The tour concept and the stage show was executed so well! I mean, I thought they might go with a few different layers of stage dressing/drapes, but the set changes were much more elaborate than I expected; not to even mention stuff like the Spitfire and Icarus!
Most of the songs were more or less expected to be played, but witnessing the set in Tallinn for the first time was very exciting and relieving nonetheless. Sign of the Cross was the song I honestly didn't expect; had there not been that WED rumour, thanks to Nicko slipping it out, that would have been a huge surprise as well.
Outstanding stage show which helped to refresh many setlist staples that have grown a bit stale over the year and very well balanced and paced setlist with couple of big treats included, along with a great visual and atmospheric narrative... And with the brilliant performances by the lads and improved live sound, there isn't much if any reason to complain.
Considering their age and that they could've gone with much less effort, it's truly been a huge treat for us. I'm still amazed of how great everything turned out.
And Bruce. He just deserves every single praise in this thread and elsewhere. And that has nothing to do with those trousers. Amazing. His enthusiasm with everything that has been going on is so great to see. I hope it carries over to the next leg(s?) and album recording too.