'Til Tomorrow
...on Bizarro World, yes.The silent majority all know that Janick is the One True God and greatest Iron Maiden guitarist.
...on Bizarro World, yes.The silent majority all know that Janick is the One True God and greatest Iron Maiden guitarist.
Parenting done right - don't form opinions for them, just show them the evidence and let them make up their own mindsI just watched on YT LOTB show with my 7yo. Some notes from new maiden fan:
a) Bruce blow his mind even if he's in age of his grandpa.
b) he loved sign of the cross and ftgog. I just played this to him on bass while he was falling asleep
c) he want guitar to be like this 'cool dancing guy' so Janick Fans - there is one more of us
d) 'but how this bass dude is singing everything and playing? And why I can't hear him?'
e) foi - O.O
f) Happy Face is always smiling while playing, this is so cool
g) Why this stage is so big? So many thingsi probably ruined all shows for him now.
h) Dancing guy and bass dude are his favorite part. Bruce is godlike to him because I must told my little one everything I know about him and name all songs he should listen tomorrow after school.
I pity you, Jer, for you have yet to see the light.
Oh and @Meliegree, if you get your kid a guitar based on this, please impress on him that Janick learned to actually play first, then added the dancing later. I feel this is very important. Thank youCool Dancing Guy.
You’re right, what was I thinking?!?!
Janick is OK, but he’s a bit like a juggling clown on stage with a ballet troupe. You can allow yourself to be entertained by him, but he doesn’t really fit the situation. And it doesn’t help that he’s trying to share the studio and the stage with two of the best guitarists of the genre. He’s always going to lose out in that comparison.Janick may not be the best soloist, but I tell you what: that dude is a strong rhythm guitarist, writes monster songs, and is an absolute spectacle live. Without him the show wouldn’t be as awesome as it is.
If “getting over it” means accepting that he’s part of the band and finding things to enjoy about his contributions, then I did that a long time ago. If it means pretending that he’s as good as the other two guitarists in the band, then I guess I’m never going to reach the level of self-delusion required to be a “trüe fän”.It's crazy that this debate is still going on. The bloke has been in the band for like 30 years now. Get over it.
Well, I understand that just fine, so I’m not sure who you’re referring to.Right, but the problem is that not everyone thinks that Janick is a flaw. That's the thing that not everyone understands.
It’s funny that Janick criticism seems to trigger so many people, while I don’t recall any of the same people getting upset when @Magnus or @John Silver wax nostalgiac about the Di’anno days (“Bruce is a goose, Di’anno’s the manno”, or something).
It’s funny that Janick criticism seems to trigger so many people, while I don’t recall any of the same people getting upset when @Magnus or @John Silver wax nostalgiac about the Di’anno days (“Bruce is a goose, Di’anno’s the manno”, or something). And I’m sure there’s a Stratton originalist out there who thinks Adrian sucks. And that’s fine.
He’s certainly had some strong songwriting moments (Be Quick Or Be Dead, Ghost Of The Navigator, Out Of The Silent Planet, The Talisman, The Book Of Souls), but he also tends to be involved in some of the weakest songs on the albums he’s on, too (Fear Is The Key, The Apparition, Weekend Warrior, Look For The Truth, The Pilgrim, etc.).
As a matter of fact, the one guitarist I've been slightly underwhelmed by time and again is Dave. On top of his game, nobody is quite like him, but there are also other moments. For example he, likes to phone in the NOTB solo by just holding a note for the entire duration. I'm a bit surprised nobody is talking about this, actually.