Legacy of the Beast 2018 Tour

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They're all sitting at Eddie's table, I assume talking loud and drinking wine, so No More Lies. Also the clock is at 2 minutes to midnight.

Other references: Cannons (The Trooper). Book Of Souls Eddie on the wall. The samurai swords --> Maiden Japan. One of the sets of body armor holds a futuristic gun (ref Stranger in a Strange Land). The Christmas Tree has a red star, so Mother Russia? And the colours of one (two) of the parcels in the foreground reveals they look forward to playing in Sweden.
Well the whole pic itself seems to be based on the inside cover of the gatefold Piece of Mind vinyl.


So anything from that album ..... go on boys .... To Tame a Land and Sun and Steel to wash it down with ;)
When it comes to set hints... I think that postcard has nothing exciting on it. It's just a remake of POM photo in pretty good detail (the members sit in same places with Jan added) with some newer albums' images added.

It has nothing as such as the tour ad (The wolf in a jumper, eyes of the Nile...)
Well the whole pic itself seems to be based on the inside cover of the gatefold Piece of Mind vinyl.


So anything from that album ..... go on boys .... To Tame a Land and Sun and Steel to wash it down with ;)

From the POM album, I want only one song - Flight of Icarus !!! ;)
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Alright here are my deranged musings:
There are two axes on the wall, one of which is bloodied (RTTH?); There's a FOTD Eddie outside (surprising precisely no-one, unless it refers to ATSS?);The other suit of armour is holding an Egyptian crook and flail (Powerslave? It'd be nice to see it stay on); The candles on the shelf resemble the ones on the SSOASS inside sleeve; Steve is holding a bottle of Hallowed-label Trooper (hopefully they've sorted out the legal rubbish); The other swords could refer to The Trooper and Sun & Steel (though I appreciate that the latter is a practical impossibility). Finally, the graveyard outside could conceivably be referencing either LAD or NPFTD, though it's a tenuous link at best.
From the Christmas card I expect these songs as a hints:

The Trooper - the cannons.
from the POM album: Revelations and Flight of Icarus !
Sun and Steel, Flash of the Blade or The Duellists - the swords
maybe a song from the Killers album - the axes ! the title track is seems likely.
from the SSOASS album - Moonchild, TETMD is likely to return, and CIPWM or The Clairvoyant !
The Number of the Beast- we all know and Bruce confirmed that they gonna play it ! RTTH, also, has a good chance to return !
2MTM - the clock , and from the Powerslave album - maybe Aces High (the promo), and the right knight shows that there gonna be a song from the Powerslave album !
the left knight - something from the SIT album - WY, HCW or Deja-Vu, ATG :eek:, CSIT and the most likely to return - SIASL - I believe in Nicko ! :)
I do not know if the red star on the Christams tree is Mother Russia, but from NPFTD album the most likely to return are: Tailgunner, the title track and BYD... TTS !
the grim reaper - DOD album, and from there the most likely to return are: WD, Rainmaker(I really want that one), NML, the title track and Paschendale ! - but maybe it is the title track !
Fear of the Dark Eddie - besides the title track - BQOBD, ATSS and I wish -> FHTE,WL and especially JBMG !
the graveyard could be the NPFTD album and, of course , LAD - maybe MITRM,DWYBO,22AA,POTO, Wrathchild or Running Free and Sanctuary !
We know they gonna play Iron Maiden, the song, but it would be cool to hear Prowler form the 1st album and Transylvania(why not), maybe as an intro for the tour !
If the legal issue is resolved, it's pretty sure that HBTY is going to return !
They have to perform at least one ''epic''on this tour : TTAL, ROTAM, SOTC, The Clansman, FTGGOG !
the Book of Souls picture on the wall: if they gonna play a song from it, DOG is the most likely to stay on the setlist !
I think it would have at least one song from the BNW album: TWM(the best opener for me), GOTN, the title track , BB, OOTSP, DOM(what a fantastic song) , The Mercenary would be so cool and The Nomad (o_O)
from the AMOLAD album: DW,TCDR,TROBB or The Legacy !!!
from the Final Frontier: maybe only ED and CH are likely to return !
from the VIX - Futureal would be great.
from the TXF - MOTE, LOTF

That's my thoughts on the Christmas card and which other songs are likely to return !
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