I wish Maiden to play more deep cuts from the 80's, and from the later albums like Rod said

These are the songs that if they play them it will surprises me a lot:
- Prowler
- Transylvania (why not

- Murders in the Rue Morgue
- Killers
- Purgatory ( that's a really long forgotten song isn't it )
- 22 Acacia Avenue
- Where Eagles Dare
- Flight of Icarus ( definitely the biggest surprise )
- Die With Your Boots On ( I always want them to play this song more - it's a classic by any means ! )
- Still Life
- To Tame Land (0,001% chance)
- Flash of the Blade
- The Duellists
- Back in the Village ( that would be well welcomed by the fans ! )
- Caught Somewhere in Time ( this would be killer with the 3 guitars ! )
- Stranger in a Strange Land ( would love to see it )
- Deja-Vu (so much melodies in this song and I love it - essential Davey )
- Alexander the Great ( that's the ''holy grail''

- Infinite Dreams (pretty hard for Bruce I guess)
- Only the Good Die Young (fantastic song, but it seems that it don't get much love )
As for the later albums:
- Tailgunner
- No Prayer for the Dying ( one of my favorites and a very melodic song, love it )
- Bring Your Daughter... To The Slaughter ( not going to be a big surprise but it is a very good and fun song )
- Mother Russia ( wow, that would be so cool live )
- Be Quick or Be Dead ( a fast opener and it will be good live )
- From Here to Eternity
- Wasting Love ( what a majestic song )
- Judas Be My Guide ( I think we all can agree that this is a song that we would love to hear live )
- Sign of the Cross ( yeah, it would be a surprise, since the last time being played was 2001 or 2002 )
- Lord of the Flies
- Man on the Edge
- Futureal ( that should be on every setlist - fas short song , rocker song, but in a Maiden style. Superb song )
- The Clansman ( epic, no more to say ! )
- The Mercenary
- Dream of Mirrors ( epic Janick song )
- The Fallen Angel
- The Nomad ( do they really dare ? )
- Out of the Silent Planet ( a good chance for this song to appeared on the LOTB tour - super heavy and melody song - top 5, for me ! )
- Rainmaker (one of Maiden best short songs)
- No More Lies ( ''crazy,crazy'' melodic song and a fantastic one ! )
- Paschendale
- Journeyman
- Different World ( always like this song, very good opener )
- These Colours Don't Run ( maybe it will be played )
- The Pilgrim
- The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg ( cool song , super heavy - maybe they will put it to the setlist )
- The Legacy (

- Coming Home
- The Alchemist
- The Talisman
- When The Wild Wind Blows
- I think they not gonna include songs from The Book of Souls !
Every old song that is forgotten by the band, even the new ones, will be a surprise for me !
The conclusion is: Maiden are became so predictable and I don't want to say it, but boring with their setlist from 2006, and because of that when a long forgotten song is played that would consider it as a rarities ! The songs I mention ( there's more, obviously, Maiden had fantastic songs ) are, some of them ''hidden gems'' and deserve to be played live - ''
The time is short'' ! Maiden have to be more adventurous with the setlist from now till their retirement !!! For the band, for the fans it would be so much killer show with this long forgotten songs !