A nice video on Love Gun album. I Stole Your Love and Shock Me are already my favourites. I kind of re-disovered the songs Got Love For Sale and Hooligan (Peter Criss on vox!).

Recap of the last show. Why not release the full concert? Document your last tour. What's the matter??

Criss was never a very good drummer. The pedestal he's placed on by fans is pure nostalgia.
Criss may not be the best one, but he is a solid drummer (edit: especially for the 70's and for a rock band) with its own groove/style. All of their drummers are good enough, Singer has Carr's style, more or less. But Criss can't be compared with Carr. All are different from each other, but they remind a certain drummers of a certain band with the feel and playing.
Singer stepped in for Criss in 2001~ for those final stretch of the farewell shows then and the band sounded AMAZING with that lineup. Like they were seriously on fire with Singer and Ace, one of my favorite and most underrated KISS lineups. The Live in Tokyo 2001 show has Singer on drums there. Criss wasn’t playing very well in those last couple years with the band (imo)
Early 2000's, the shows with Singer and then the 2004 shows were second/third peak of KISS. 70's, early-to-mid 80's and late 90's-to-early 2000's.
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Criss may not be the best one, but he is a good and solid drummer with its own groove/style. All of their drummers are very good, Singer has Carr's style, more or less. All are different from each other, but they remind a certain drummers of a certain band with the feel and playing.

Early 2000's, the shows with Singer and then the 2004 shows were second/third peak of KISS. 70's, early-to-mid 80's and late 90's-to-early 2000's.
Sorry, but calling Criss solid is out of line. He did not even play on most albums (Anton Fig replaced him). Deuce is pretty much the most complex song he can play, and even this one he simplified live. I can accept calling Ace a great guitarist because he was very unique, despite technical limits. But Peter was probably the most limited drummer ever having success.

I am a huge Kiss fan, I just don't care much about the music :D
I love their 80s videos, they are so extremely cringey that I can watch them for hours. That mix of pure macho with strong homo erotica is just hilarious. In all the 80s videos, Paul is always carrying a guitar, but does not ever play one single note. Just too busy posing. Not exaggerating here, I really counted the times he played that guitar. Zero! In the entire 80s. Absolutely hilarious. Also love Kiss interviews. That one with the Iron Maiden shirt is just incredible. They are really serious about itall. Thats what makes it so funny. They really live in another reality. I never listen to any of their albums, they are purely visual to me.
Some good songs here and there, no question. But overshadowed by their image.
Sorry, but calling Criss solid is out of line. He did not even play on most albums (Anton Fig replaced him).
Anton Fig was the ghost drummer on Dynasty and Unmasked, but Peter Criss plays on every album prior AFAIK. As far as the classic albums go, he does play on all of them (I don't think anyone is going to argue that Kiss' classic era extends beyond Love Gun). By the 80s they were pretty much a different band.

No-one in Kiss was a particularly good musician. They were all image, no substance.
I actually think Paul and Gene are decent instrumentalists (and Paul was a very good vocalist until his voice got shot). If you turn off the video and just listen to them playing live they do a good job holding it down while also running around and being over the top showmen. Nobody in the band would be in Rush, but I think they were good at what they did. I still maintain that Peter Criss was a clear weak link in the band though (evidenced by the Parasite video linked above where he can't maintain a consistent tempo or kick pattern).
That's some amateur hour drumming for a supposedly professional band. Although standards were presumably lower in 1975.
No-one in Kiss was a particularly good musician. They were all image, no substance.
I agree. Ace had some swagger, Paul could sing well. Gene had a voice that I subjectively like, but technically was extremely limited. His bass playing rarely ever is above plodding basic notes, and like Criss, he had ghost players on many albums. Peter was barely a drummer. Eric Carr could play, but they never gave him an opportunity to show it. Vinnie Vincent was actually pretty good on guitar. Kulick, I dont know, really. Don't get me wrong, I don't care much about technical prowess when the songs kick ass. I like bands like Fear or the Accused, which are technically worse than Kiss. Kiss are enjoyable for other things.
But there never was musical substance, and they knew it themselves.
I assumed Spaldy was just talking about the original four. Once they started replacing members and had enough clout to hire whoever they wanted pretty much everybody who went through the band was a solid musician.
Well, they turned down Richie Sambora, who auditioned before joining Bon Jovi. He would have been their best guitarist. Wonder why they ditched him. But honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it was about looks. To join Kiss, you had to look good (I would never had a chance), but not better than Paul of course. I am sure that looking less good than Gene or better than Paul would cost you the job, even if you were the greatest guitarist and nicest person on earth :D