It's sickening how underrated Lord of Light is

Nomad, I would just walk away at this point. For the record I agree with you, but this has become less about interpretations of the song and more about agendas/religious debate, and people are coming across too defensive for any sort of thoughtful discussion. At least in my opinion.
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There's really no point in pitting logical reasoning against religion. There's no point in this discussion. But the Nomad started it. His post basically said that Lord Of Light, the song, carries propaganda of the evil and that he, as a nice Christian, is anxious about it.

Sucks to be him, I like the song very much.
I understand it's just an intellectual exercise looking at the world from the point of view of the false light-bringer, but still I often skip it. Mock away, fellow Maiden fans!

Maybe I was a bit harsh. If you're just uneasy with the content I guess that's OK.
I don't get this argument. Nicko is a born again Christian, if Maiden really were promoting/worshiping Satanism, he'd be still in the band?

Just listen to New Frontier, Nicko's lyrics in that song are pretty preachy about Christianity and his views of cloning.
I know this is sort of off topic, and I don't want to offend. But doesn't the Bible prohibit tattoos?

I have no idea, actually. I've only read the New Testament. (The life and teachings of Jesus are what interest me about Christianity, not the man-made religious trappings of this or that church.) I guess I may be be screwing myself with the 666 and the Eddie tattoo. But what the hell, I love Maiden with all my heart. Nothing I can do about that!

I didn't mean to start a religious debate. Just uncomfortable with the song Lord of Light, which is odd because overall I think the message in Maiden songs is very positive and good.
Well, nothing wrong about that. It's just little strange that you fill uncomfortable about that and you're ok with your nick. Anyway - that doesn't matter, we all have songs that are not-so-cool-for-us-but-others-love-them
Well, nothing wrong about that. It's just little strange that you fill uncomfortable about that and you're ok with your nick. Anyway - that doesn't matter, we all have songs that are not-so-cool-for-us-but-others-love-them

A nick is just a nick, to me. And I don't think Bruce or Steve are Satanists or Luciferians or bad people in any way. They are definitely of an occult or mystical mindset, but I don't think the occult is inherently good or bad. You can make the case that Jesus taught occult knowledge, just a good kind. I try to think of Lord of Light as just an imagining of how Lucifer views the world, not as promoting his false vision. Still, the song makes me uncomfortable. But I'll always be a Maiden fan, anyway.
I could make case but to be honest - I don't care. Religion is not my cup of tea but I don't feel urge to convince anybody. :)

I like opening to that song, one of the best on AMOLAD.
By the way, why has Christianity been brought up anyhow?
Because Operations666 brought it up on pg. 2:
As a Christian Maiden fan, this song makes me uneasy. I understand it's just an intellectual exercise looking at the world from the point of view of the false light-bringer, but still I often skip it. Mock away, fellow Maiden fans!
And you replied directly:
I did that for a long while as well. It's really a satan worshipping song as clearly as possible. "Free your soul and let it fly, give your light to the lord of light". Basically saying give up your light, your soul to satan.
And from there it just snowballed... :innocent:

People often feel very strongly on religion, and spirituality. Where you stand on these things can have a huge effect on how you view your existence, and your worldview. In a lot of ways, it really can help define you.

So it makes me sad when people are dismissive, condescending, or attacking about what someone believes or doesn’t believe.

I'm also bummed out when someone of a certain belief claims something about their faith (potentially controversial) as fact and just assumes everyone will be on board with it. A common habit among people of faith, who than wonder why others attack them. I think it's a good idea to over clarify something being your own opinion, especially when talking about religion.

I would think in this instance it may have been better to try and understand why someone believes what they do, rather than attempt to prove what they believe is wrong.

No one is going to be converted/deny there faith on a Maiden forum, just like no one is going to want to listen to someone, when they haven’t felt heard.

I love debates. I love the idea of boxing with words. But I also love the idea of being sensitive to peoples beliefs, and there feelings.


Some really well thought out and beautiful interpretations. I always enjoy reading how other people interpret a piece of art. It often helps expand my view, and adds new appreciation to something I already enjoy.

Now lets take a look at what Bruce said about Lord of Light.

“The Lord of Light is quit literally referring to Lucifer.” And, “Trying to be a bit more even handed about this notion of Heaven and Hell.”

(Click on the video for context and exact wording. It's at 4:07)

Now, if someone were to believe in the Christian God and therefore Satan, than it’s understandable why someone might be uncomfortable with some of the lyrics in this song.

And for the record, I think a Christian perspective on the song, and Bruce’s interview, should be valid. How boring would it be if we all looked at things through the same lens?

But just as importantly, I think we need to try and see things from other peoples perspective. Ask ourselves, “are they saying that from the same world view as me? Do they mean that in the way I’m likely to interpret it?


People are complex, and not everything they dislike or are morally opposed to, effects them in the same way.

For example. I both hate and condemn sexual violence against woman and children. I’m sure everyone here feels the same way.

When seeing it on TV, I’m not nearly as affected by the implied violence against children as I am women. Obviously I hate both, but I am much more affected when seeing violence against woman on TV, than children. My wife is the exact opposite. I often wonder why seeing the former shakes me to the core, while I’m detached with the other, simply telling myself it’s not real and just acting.

Number of the Beast has no affect one me. Moonchild does, I have a real hard time listening to it. I love Lord of Light, but find myself uncomfortable at times while hearing it. And that’s okay.

I don’t think any member of Maiden is a satanists, and if they claimed to be, I don’t think it would be in the Christian sense. I also recognize that Lord of Light is just a song. A piece of art. It can’t be evil. But it could have an affect on those who’s world view collides with it.

One think I really appreciate about Lord of Light, is it reminds me to question what I believe. And I think that’s important regardless of what your belief is. It’s always important to make sure you actually believe what you say you do, and that you believe in it for good reason, whether that be religion or atheism, or whatever else. It’s a good reminder, and I really like the song for that reason.

Tattoos, slavery, and the rest

I think this is hardly the place to get into any of that. However a lot could be said. The difference between descriptive verses, and prescriptive verses. The fulfillment of old Testament law through Jesus, and so on.. It would spiral so quickly if we tried to discuss any of this here.
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LC, I respect the way your mind works as much or more than anyone on this board and your thoughts about religion are based on a solid mountain of fact.
Respectfully, there are times when discussing Christianity where (to reference a Canadian drummer who shares your views on religion) your armour threatens to become a sword.
Perhaps we should simply acknowledge a Christian should be troubled by these lyrics.
It's up to the listener to decide whether that's a good thing or bad.
What exactly is the problem? Lord of Light has probably IMO the best chorus on the entire album. Bruce goes off into another dimension and it has that filthy metal feel to it.

My issue with the track is the chorus. It's a marmite chorus; you either love it or hate it. I'm guessing most people dislike it.
@The Nomad I'm sorry for being a dick about this.

Your statements are as unintelligible to me as mine are to you, but I respect your right to base whatever feelings about any song on your faith or however you choose. I will stand by my statement that I think you're over-reaching, but that's your call, not mine.
Light, is it reminds me to question what I believe. And I think that’s important regardless of what your belief is. It’s always important to make sure you actually believe what you say you do, and that you believe in it for good reason, whether that be religion or atheism, or whatever else. It’s a good reminder, and I really like the song for that reason.
This is the message I always got from the song. Like it was saying that not everything is black and white, nothing is clear cut like the idea of good and evil. Maybe Lucifer just got the short end of the deal. Maybe people don't reject God because they're evil or misguided. It encourages you to always question your own beliefs and -no matter what that belief is- try to understand where the other side is coming from, as long as they're reasonable about it too.

As most people here probably know already, I'm not really a lyrics guy. I'll read the lyrics the first time I listen to an album and maybe one or two songs will stick out for lyrics but even that much is rare. I don't really interpret lyrics or read into them much, so maybe I'm wrong about the song's meaning, but that's what resonated with me so there you go.
Could have been (one of) the best of the album if the chours would have been much powerfull. I feel it a little unconnected from the rest of the song.